SciSpace AI Detector Description
Find out about GPT-4, ChatGPT and other AI writers in scholarly content.
Academic integrity is important, even though we live in an age of AI writing assistants. SciSpace's AI Detector helps you distinguish between human and artificial literature. Pair our output with additional investigation to ensure authenticity in academia.
You can easily and quickly get AI detection reports, whether you have a freeform text document or an essay saved in PDF format. You can paste your content into the text editor, or upload your document.
Our AI detector is specifically designed for essays, assignments and papers. It gives you reliable results with an accuracy of 98%. This should be sufficient, along your judgement. You can take the appropriate action.
Download and receive a comprehensive report that highlights the amount of AI-generated text in the document, as well as the sentences. Edit them to reduce the AI-content score.
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