You are responding to an RFP within a short time frame and have trouble finding the documents that you need to put together your proposal. Maybe you're an attorney who needs to find the relevant documents for a case. You could spend hours searching your database but if you make a mistake in data entry, your software won't find the record that you need. It can be difficult to find the exact document or record that you are looking for. Vizier™, Finder is an intelligent tool which allows users to quickly find documents on their desktop, network, and records in your databases. Vizier(tm's fuzzy search is so precise that even if you combine letters or omit numbers from a zip code it still returns exact results. This saves time and resources.
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Your time is too precious to waste on inefficient or ineffective search. Use Lookeen for fast, efficient full-text file search and email search. Multiple award-winning professional desktop search software finds all the important information in record time. Lookeen searches in Microsoft®, Outlook®, PST archives and on Exchange servers, Public Folders, on the desktop or in virtual desktop environments. It finds every email, every document, and every photo instantly, regardless of where it's stored. Lookeen is designed to reduce the load on your computer, network, and Exchange Servers. Lookeen indexing works well on older Windows®, thanks to the various settings available in the search tool. Lookeen's intuitive user interface makes it easy to use. You can easily view your data in the search results. The advanced filters and highlighting system make it easy to find your emails, documents, and folders.
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Find your documents immediately in one click!
SmartFinder allows you to use an innovative way to search for your files with an experience similar to Google's search!
With SmartFinder you have everything just a click away and in a single view!
Find by file name, folder name, content and filter by metadata (e.g. author, keywords, ..), find duplicates file, empty file and more in few clicks!
Support all major document type: word, excel, pdf, rtf, txt, png, jpg, mp4, ...
and integration with major cloud storage provider (one drive, icloud, dropbox, ...)
You can also search your files from remote devices via web browser!
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It can be difficult to find the files you need when documents are scattered across your hard drive, cloud, network folders, and even the computer of a colleague. Noggle, a standalone desktop search and knowledge assistance application, provides quick and easy access to the information you need. Noggle will find you the document you need, even if you think you'll never find it again. Noggle makes it easy and quick to find the documents you need from wherever they are located. It is designed to locate the relevant information on your computer and all connected cloud storage folders. Full text discovery, including image search and photo search. Noggle is the only program that provides instant document recommendations. To get your work done, see material that is similar or related to the item you are viewing.
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