You can quickly find the right caregiver for your client! Our database matches caregivers to clients based on skills, availability, and location. You can monitor your leads and refer sources with a full history of your activities. Your website can be linked to AdaCare's databases. Keep track of all your staff members, including their names, addresses, phone numbers and available hours, CEUs, expirations, and phone numbers. Our "instant timecard", which replaces paperwork and sends out alerts if caregivers get late, is called the "instant timecard". You get better documentation with less work. To view their calendars, maps, and schedules, caregivers can log in. Your caregivers and office staff can benefit from this service. For easier billing and payroll, you can print and export hours and miles. You can also access reports and charts to help you manage your business. You can work anywhere you like, whether it's at home, in the office, or out in the field. It's secure and reliable. Your caregivers can log into their computer from home to print their own schedules or maps.
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Carecenta is a web-based management software for home and adult day care providers. Carecenta is a comprehensive suite of applications that automate routine tasks such as scheduling, HR, billing, payroll, control and reporting. It also streamlines and minimizes the visit-to-payment cycle. This helps patients, caregivers, and coordinators to live more comfortably. Other features include electronic visit verification, real time attendance monitoring, over 150 realtime reports, bulletproof HR regulation compliance and instant billing with 100% accuracy. Mobile-friendly access is also available. Automated payment consolidation is another feature.
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HCS Connect
Home Health is a unique sector in healthcare, with many complex regulations and patient care requirements. To be successful in today's Home Health environment you will need to have a thorough understanding of multiple clinical disciplines, regulatory compliance and varied reimbursement models. HCS Connect™, which includes ConnectOffice™, and ConnectMobile™, for Home Health is the only tool that can efficiently manage the many requirements of home healthcare and provide the agency with the knowledge necessary to make informed and proactive choices. From eligibility verification to scheduling, the intake process is efficient. EMR complete with the ability to scan and upload paper documents to the patient's electronic record. All claim types, etransmissions and frequencies can be invoiced. Exportable (Excel®, pdf®, Word[r]) streamlined reports
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The fastest-growing remote patient monitoring platform and the only one that is completely free for you and your patients. 100Plus can monitor more conditions such as heart disease, low/high cholesterol, diabetes, and weight. It is the easiest to implement -- you can be up and running in just minutes and have devices shipped directly to your patients' doors. 100Plus offers White-Glove enrollment -- onboarding 10 or 10,000 patients. It also provides outreach and education to patients quickly. 100Plus' Predictive Population Health Management™ continuously monitors the health of your patients and sends alerts to you for intervention and prevention.
100Plus integrated cellular without monthly plans or bill devices includes: Blood Pressure Cuff and Blood Glucose monitor, Digital Weight Scales, Emergency Watch, Digital Thermometer and Pulse Oximeter.
We offer:
- White Glove set up (patient outreach, education and enrollment).
Product support via phone or online chat available between 9am and 9pm ET
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