Salford Predictive Modeler (SPM)
The Salford Predictive Modeler® (SPM), software suite, is highly accurate and extremely fast for developing predictive, descriptive, or analytical models. Salford Predictive Modeler®, which includes the CART®, TreeNet®, Random Forests® engines, and powerful new automation capabilities and modeling capabilities that are not available elsewhere, is a software suite that includes the MARS®, CART®, TreeNet[r], and TreeNet®. The SPM software suite's data mining technologies span classification, regression, survival analysis, missing value analysis, data binning and clustering/segmentation. SPM algorithms are essential in advanced data science circles. Automation of model building is made easier by the SPM software suite. It automates significant portions of the model exploration, refinement, and refinement process for analysts. We combine all results from different modeling strategies into one package for easy review.
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TIMi allows companies to use their corporate data to generate new ideas and make crucial business decisions more quickly and easily than ever before. The heart of TIMi’s Integrated Platform. TIMi's ultimate real time AUTO-ML engine. 3D VR segmentation, visualization. Unlimited self service business Intelligence. TIMi is a faster solution than any other to perform the 2 most critical analytical tasks: data cleaning, feature engineering, creation KPIs, and predictive modeling. TIMi is an ethical solution. There is no lock-in, just excellence. We guarantee you work in complete serenity, without unexpected costs. TIMi's unique software infrastructure allows for maximum flexibility during the exploration phase, and high reliability during the production phase. TIMi allows your analysts to test even the most crazy ideas.
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Altair Monarch
Altair Monarch, a leader in data discovery and data transformation with more than 30 years of industry experience, offers the fastest and most efficient way to extract data from any source. Users can collaborate and create simple workflows that don't require any coding. They can transform complex data, such as PDFs, text files, and big data, into rows or columns. Altair can automate the preparation of data on premises and in the cloud to deliver reliable data for smart business decision-making.
Click the links below to learn more about Altair Monarch and download a free copy of its enterprise software.
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JMP Statistical Software
JMP, data analysis software Mac and Windows, combines powerful statistics with interactive visualization.
It is simple to import and process data. Drag-and-drop interface, dynamically linked graphics, libraries of advanced analytics functionality, scripting language, and ways to share findings with others allow users to dig deeper into their data with greater ease.
JMP was originally developed in 1980 to capture the new value of GUI for personal computers. JMP continues to add cutting-edge statistical methods to the software's functionality with every release. John Sall, the organization's founder, is still Chief Architect.
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