Stacktape, a DevOps-free cloud framework, is both powerful and simple. It allows you to create, deploy, and run AWS applications. It requires 98% less configuration than other cloud services and does not require any DevOps or Cloud knowledge.
You can deploy serverless (AWS lambda based) or traditional (container based) applications unlike other solutions. Stacktape supports more than 20 infrastructure components, including SQL databases and Loadbalers, MongoDB Atlas clusters clusters, Batch jobs, Kafka topics and Redis clusters.
Stacktape manages infrastructure management as well as source code packaging, deployments and local/remote programming. It also includes a VScode extension (GUI) and a local development studio (GUI).
Stacktape can be used as an IaaC tool. A typical production-grade REST API is ~30 lines of config (compared to ~600-800 lines of CloudFormation/Terraform). You can deploy the application using one command, either from a local machine or from a CI/CD pipeline.
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You can use your favorite debugging software to locally troubleshoot your Kubernetes services. Telepresence, an open-source tool, allows you to run one service locally and connect it to a remote Kubernetes cluster. Telepresence was initially developed by Ambassador Labs, which creates open-source development tools for Kubernetes such as Ambassador and Forge. We welcome all contributions from the community. You can help us by submitting an issue, pull request or reporting a bug. Join our active Slack group to ask questions or inquire about paid support plans. Telepresence is currently under active development. Register to receive updates and announcements. You can quickly debug locally without waiting for a container to be built/push/deployed. Ability to use their favorite local tools such as debugger, IDE, etc. Ability to run large-scale programs that aren't possible locally.
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SaltStack is an intelligent IT automation platform that can manage, secure, and optimize any infrastructure--on-prem, in the cloud, or at the edge. It is built on an event-driven automation engine that detects and responds intelligently to any system. This makes it a powerful solution for managing complex environments.
SaltStack's new SecOps offering can detect security flaws and mis-configured systems. This powerful automation can detect and fix any issue quickly, allowing you and your team to keep your infrastructure secure, compliant, and up to date.
Comply and Protect are both part of the SecOps suite. Comply scans for compliance with CIS, DISA, STIG, NIST and PCI standards. Also, scan your operating system for vulnerabilities and update it with patches and patches.
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IBM Cloud Schematics
IBM Cloud® Schematics allows automation by providing declarative Terraform templates to create a cloud infrastructure. Red Hat®, Ansible native integration extends configuration, management, and provisioning to software, and integrates other IBM Cloud Services. With Terraform-as-a-Service, DevOps teams can use a high-level configuration language to model the resources they want in their cloud environment and enable Infrastructure as Code (IaC). You can easily install software packages and application codes on your infrastructure. Your team should build, deploy, and iterate on infrastructure automation processes. The DevOps lifecycle can be improved, from planning and building to software testing and monitoring. Satellite and Schematics can be used to automate the creation satellite locations and Red Hat OpenShift®, on IBM Cloud.
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