What Integrates with IBM OpenPages?
Find out what IBM OpenPages integrations exist in 2025. Learn what software and services currently integrate with IBM OpenPages, and sort them by reviews, cost, features, and more. Below is a list of products that IBM OpenPages currently integrates with:
IBM Watson
1 RatingLearn how to implement AI in your business. Watson can help you predict and shape future outcomes, automate complicated processes, and optimize employees' time. To predict and shape future outcomes and automate complex processes, integrate Watson into your workflows and optimize your employees' work hours. To tap into organizational data, integrate Watson into your apps. This will allow you to put AI to use across multiple departments, including finance, customer care, and supply chain. You can make better, more personalized customer experiences, scale the expertise and make smarter business decisions using deep insights from data. -
Apparity is a powerful platform that helps manage end-user computing (EUC), with a phenomenal customer service. Apparity is designed for identifying, inventorying, assessing and controlling the end-user applications that support critical business processes. This includes spreadsheets and models, databases, programming languages scripts, BI Tools, and more. Our software platform provides enterprise-wide visibility through a complete auditing of all EUC activities. How do we achieve this? It's simple. You can manage your EUC inventory effectively and maintain regulatory compliance with accurate file tracking and versioning. After implementation, users will enjoy enhanced collaboration and process automation. -
Origina is the leading third-party independent software support provider for IBM software. Our Global IBM®, independent experts provide dedicated support for over 800 IBM products that are licensed under the Passport Advantage program. Customers receive 24x7x365 customer service tied to a binding Service Level Agreement. This guarantees that customers will get a response time of as little as 30 minutes after an issue is raised. Customers who switch from IBM to Origina for their software support receive fixed-cost savings of up to 50% annually. These savings are compounded with no forced upgrades and a software maintenance plan that extends the life of IBM software. Origina offers the next generation in software support. It adheres to three core principles that allow it to extend the lifecycle of its software, protect its stability and security, and improve the functionality and performance. -
CognitiveScale Cortex AI
To develop AI solutions, engineers must have a resilient, open, repeatable engineering approach to ensure quality and agility. These efforts have not been able to address the challenges of today's complex environment, which is filled with a variety of tools and rapidly changing data. Platform for collaborative development that automates the control and development of AI applications across multiple persons. To predict customer behavior in real-time, and at scale, we can derive hyper-detailed customer profiles using enterprise data. AI-powered models that can continuously learn and achieve clearly defined business results. Allows organizations to demonstrate compliance with applicable rules and regulations. CognitiveScale's Cortex AI Platform is designed to address enterprise AI use cases using modular platform offerings. Customers use and leverage its capabilities in microservices as part of their enterprise AI initiatives.
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