What Integrates with OpenFlows WaterCAD?

Find out what OpenFlows WaterCAD integrations exist in 2024. Learn what software and services currently integrate with OpenFlows WaterCAD, and sort them by reviews, cost, features, and more. Below is a list of products that OpenFlows WaterCAD currently integrates with:

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    ArcGIS Reviews



    $100 per year
    Mapping and analysis, location intelligence. ArcGIS Online is part of the Esri geospatial cloud. It allows you to connect people, places, and data with interactive maps. You can work with data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools to deliver location intelligence. Your insights can be shared with the world or with specific groups. Create interactive maps that explain your data, and encourage users to explore. ArcGIS Online provides authoritative location-based data that can be used to map your data. Smart mapping can guide you in data exploration and visualization. You can share your maps with anyone or a specific group. For a more interactive and focused experience, create web apps that integrate your maps. Integrate the apps you have created into your digital presence, including your website, social posts, and blog articles.
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    OpenFlows WaterGEMS Reviews

    OpenFlows WaterGEMS


    $2,735 per year
    OpenFlows WaterGEMS is a decision-support tool that provides a complete and easy-to-use solution for water distribution networks. This software will help you understand how infrastructure behaves as an overall system, how it responds to operational strategies, as well as how it should grow in response to increasing population and demand. OpenFlows WaterGEMS offers everything you need in a flexible multiplatform environment. It includes simulations of fire flow and water quality, as well as criticality and energy cost analysis. OpenFlows WaterCAD is the superset that OpenFlows WaterGEMS is. Using criticality analysis, DMA planning, pressure management tools, and criticality analysis to identify potential projects, you can efficiently identify and address potential problems. Real-time data is used to analyze energy costs and maximize operational efficiency, minimize disruptions and respond intelligently to emergencies.
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