Best NumPy Alternatives in 2024

Find the top alternatives to NumPy currently available. Compare ratings, reviews, pricing, and features of NumPy alternatives in 2024. Slashdot lists the best NumPy alternatives on the market that offer competing products that are similar to NumPy. Sort through NumPy alternatives below to make the best choice for your needs

  • 1
    h5py Reviews
    The h5py package provides a Pythonic interface for the HDF5 binary data format. It allows you to store large amounts of numerical data and allow you to easily manipulate that data using NumPy. You can cut into multi-terabyte datasets on disk as if they were NumPy arrays. You can store thousands of datasets in one file. You can categorize and tag them however you like. H5py makes use of simple NumPy and Python metaphors like dictionary syntax and NumPy array syntax. You can, for example, iterate over files or examine the.shape and.dtype attributes of data. To get started, you don't need any knowledge about HDF5. In addition to an easy-to-use interface, h5py relies on an object-oriented Cython wrap of the HDF5 CAP API. You can do almost anything from C in HDF5 with h5py.
  • 2
    Polars Reviews
    Polars, which is aware of the data-wrangling habits of its users, exposes a complete Python interface, including all of the features necessary to manipulate DataFrames. This includes an expression language, which will allow you to write readable, performant code. Polars was written in Rust to provide the Rust ecosystem with a feature-complete DataFrame interface. Use it as either a DataFrame Library or as a query backend for your Data Models.
  • 3
    statsmodels Reviews
    statsmodels is an Python module that provides classes, functions, and methods for the estimation of various statistical models. It also allows for statistical data exploration and statistical tests. Each estimator has a comprehensive list of available result statistics. To ensure accuracy, the results are compared to existing statistical packages. The package is available under the Modified BSD (3 clause) license. statsmodels allows you to specify models using R-style formulas or pandas DataFrames. To see the available results, take a look at dir (results). Results describe attributes. __doc__, results methods have their own documentation strings. Numpy arrays can be used in place of formulas. Installing statsmodels as part of the Anaconda distribution is the easiest way to do so. This cross-platform distribution allows for data analysis and scientific computing. This is the preferred method of installation for most users.
  • 4
    broot Reviews
    The ROOT data analysis framework can be used extensively in High Energy Physics (HEP). It also has its own output format (.root). ROOT can be interfaced with C++ software. pyROOT is a Python software tool. Unfortunately, pyROOT is not compatible with python3.4. broot is a small library which converts data from python numpy to ROOT files. These ROOT files contain trees with a branch each array. This library provides a generic way to convert python numpy datastructures into ROOT files. The library should be portable, and it should support python2, ROOT v5 or ROOT v6 (no modifications to the ROOT part required). The library should be easy to install. Users will only need to compile the library once.
  • 5
    Cython Reviews
    Cython, an optimizing static compiler, is available for both the Python programming languages and the extended Cython programming languages (based on Pyrex). It makes it as easy to write Python extensions using C. Cython combines the power of Python with C, allowing you to write Python code that calls back to C or C++ natively at any time. Static type declarations can be used to convert readable Python code into plain C performance. Combine source code level debugging to identify bugs in Python, Cython and C code. Large data sets can be interacted with efficiently, e.g. Multi-dimensional NumPy arrays. You can quickly build your applications in the mature, well-used CPython ecosystem. The Cython language, which is a superset Python language, supports calling C functions as well as declaring C types on variables or class attributes.
  • 6
    PyQtGraph Reviews
    PyQtGraph is a pure Python graphics and GUI library based on PyQt/PySide or NumPy. It is intended for use in mathematics/scientific/engineering applications. Although written entirely in Python, the library is extremely fast thanks to its heavy use of NumPy to perform number crunching and Qt GraphicsView framework for fast display. PyQtGraph is available under the MIT open source license. Interactive view boxes for basic 2D plotting. Line and scatter plots. Data can be scaled/panned with the mouse. Rapid drawing allows for real-time data display. Displays all data types (int, float, any bit depth, RGB, RGBA or luminance). Multidimensional images can be sliced at arbitrary angles using these functions (great for MRI data). Rapid update for video display and real-time interaction Image display with interactive level control and lookup tables. Mesh rendering with isosurface generator. Interactive viewports can be rotated/zoomed with the mouse. For easier programming, use the basic 3D scenegraph.
  • 7
    Bokeh Reviews
    Bokeh allows you to create simple plots but can also handle custom or specialized use cases. Apps, dashboards and plots can be published on web pages or in Jupyter notebooks. Python offers a wide range of powerful analytics tools, including NumPy and Scipy, Pandas. Scikit-Learn, OpenCV and Scikit-Learn. Bokeh server allows you to connect these tools to rich interactive visualizations in your browser. It has a wide range of widgets, plot tools and UI events that trigger Python callbacks. Researchers at Monash University maintain Microscopium. Researchers can use it to explore large image datasets using Bokeh's interactive tools. Panel is a tool that allows for polished data presentation and makes use of the Bokeh server. Anaconda created it and supports it. Panel allows you to easily create interactive web apps and dashboards using user-definable widgets. These widgets can be connected to plots, images or tables, text, or any other data.
  • 8
    CVXOPT Reviews
    CVXOPT, a free software package that allows convex optimization using the Python programming language, is available for download. It can be used with Python's interactive interpreter, the command line to execute Python scripts or integrated into other software via Python extension module. Its primary purpose is to simplify the development of software for convex optimization by using Python's extensive standard library as well as the strengths of Python, a high-level programming languages. Efficient Python classes that can handle dense and sparse (real and complicated) matrices. Includes Python indexing, slicing, and overloaded operations for matrix mathmetic. Interfaces to the linear programming solution in GLPK, semidefinite programming solvers DSDP5 and linear, quadratic, and second-order cone programming solutions in MOSEK.
  • 9
    ruffus Reviews
    Ruffus is a Python computation pipeline library. It is open-sourced and powerful, user-friendly, and widely used for science and bioinformatics. Ruffus was designed to automate scientific and other analyses with minimal fuss and effort. It is suitable for even the most basic tasks. Even complex pipelines can be handled. This will prevent make or scons from becoming cross-eyed and recursive. No "clever magic", no pre-processing. The lightweight syntax, which does one small thing well, is unambitious. Ruffus is licensed under the permissive MIT-free software license. This license allows for free use and inclusion in proprietary software. It is a good idea to run your pipeline in a temporary directory that is not connected to your original data. Ruffus is a lightweight Python module that can be used to build computational pipelines. Ruffus requires Python 2.6 and higher, or Python 3.0 and higher.
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    Mako Reviews
    It uses a familiar, non XML syntax and compiles into Python modules to maximize performance. Mako's syntax borrows from many other sources, including Jinja2 templates, Cheetah and Myghty, as well as the best ideas of Genshi and Django. Conceptually Mako is embedded Python (i.e. Python Server Page) language. It refines the familiar ideas o componentized layout and inheritance to create one of the most flexible and straightforward models. While still keeping close ties to Python scoping and calling semantics, Mako is conceptually an embedded Python (i.e. Mako's method is very efficient, and was originally designed to be as fast as Cheetah. Today Mako is very similar in speed to Jinja2, who uses a similar approach, and for which Mako was an inspiration. You can access variables from the template's request context as well as their enclosing scope.
  • 11
    Dask Reviews
    Dask is free and open-source. It was developed in collaboration with other community projects such as NumPy and pandas. Dask uses existing Python data structures and APIs to make it easy for users to switch between NumPy/pandas and scikit-learn-powered versions. Dask's schedulers can scale to thousands of node clusters, and its algorithms have been tested at some of the most powerful supercomputers around the world. You don't necessarily need a large cluster to get started. Dask ships schedulers that can be used on personal computers. Many people use Dask to scale computations on their laptops, using multiple cores and their disk for extra storage. Dask exposes lower level APIs that allow you to build custom systems for your own applications. This allows open-source leaders to parallelize their own packages, and business leaders to scale custom business logic.
  • 12
    imageio Reviews
    Imageio is an image library written in Python that allows you to easily read and write a variety of image data including animated images, volumetrics data, and scientific formats. It runs on Python 3.5+ and is cross-platform. Imageio is written entirely in Python, making it easy to install. Imageio is compatible with Python 3.5+. It works with Pypy. Imageio is dependent on Numpy, Pillow. For some formats, imageio needs additional libraries/executables (e.g. Imageio can help you download/install ffmpeg. You need to know where to look for the causes of problems if something doesn't work. This overview will help you understand how things work and where they might go wrong.
  • 13
    Plotly Dash Reviews
    Dash & Dash Enterprise allow you to build and deploy analytic web applications using Python, R, or Julia. No JavaScript or DevOps are required. The world's most successful companies offer AI, ML and Python analytics at a fraction of the cost of full-stack development. Dash is the way they do it. Apps and dashboards that run advanced analytics such as NLP, forecasting and computer vision can be delivered. You can work in Python, R, or Julia. Reduce costs by migrating legacy per-seat license software to Dash Enterprise's unlimited end-user pricing model. You can deploy and update Dash apps faster without an IT or DevOps staff. You can create pixel-perfect web apps and dashboards without having to write any CSS. Kubernetes makes it easy to scale. High availability support for mission-critical Python apps
  • 14
    websockets Reviews


    Python Software Foundation

    Implementation of the WebSocket Protocol. RFC 6455 & RFC 7692. websockets is an open-source library that allows you to build WebSocket clients and servers in Python. It focuses on correctness and simplicity, robustness and performance. It is built on top of Python's standard asynchronous I/O framework asyncio and provides an elegant coroutine-based API. websockets has been rigorously tested to ensure compliance with RFC 6455. Continuous integration fails below 100% branch coverage. websockets was designed for production. It was the first library to correctly handle backpressure before the issue became well-known in the Python community. Memory usage is optimized and configurable. C extensions accelerate expensive operations. It is pre-compiled for Linux and macOS and packaged in the wheel format according to each Python version. websockets handles everything so you can concentrate on your application.
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    pygame Reviews
    Pygame is a collection of Python modules that can be used to create video games. Pygame is an extension of the SDL library. This allows you create full-featured games and multimedia programs using the python programming language. Pygame is portable and can be used on almost every platform and operating system. Pygame is completely free. Pygame is free and open-source. You can use it to create commercial, freeware, shareware, or open-source games. Dual-core CPUs are common and 8-core CPUs easily available on desktop systems, multi-core CPUs allow you to do more with your game. Select pygame functions will release the dreaded Python GIL. This is something you can do with C code. Optimized C and assembly code are used for core functions. C code is often 10-20x faster than Python code, while assembly code can easily be 100x faster than Python code. It is compatible with many operating systems. You just need to apt-get or emerge.
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    yarl Reviews


    Python Software Foundation

    Properties allow you to access all URL parts, such as scheme, user password, host, path, query, path, port, and password. All URL manipulations result in a new URL object. Strings passed to constructor or modification methods are automatically encoded and give canonical representations as a result. Regular properties are percent-decoded. To get encoded strings, you can use raw_ versions. As.human_repr(), URLs can be represented in a human-readable format. PyPI has binary wheels for Linux and MacOS. You can use the tarball to compile yarl from the source code if you want to install it on another operating system (such as Alpine Linux, which isn't manylinux-compliant due to the missing glibc). It requires Python headers and a C compiler. The pure-Python version (uncompiled) is slower. PyPy uses a pure Python implementation and is therefore unaffected by this variable.
  • 17
    Seaborn Reviews
    Seaborn is a Python data visualization tool that uses matplotlib. It provides a high-level interface to draw attractive and informative statistical graphs. The paper and introductory notes provide a brief overview of the library's ideas. To download the package and get started, visit the installation page. To see some of the seaborn-related tasks, you can look through the example gallery. Then, check out the tutorials and API reference. Visit the GitHub repository to view the code and report a bug. You can find general support questions on StackOverflow. There is also a channel for seaborn.
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    pandas Reviews
    Pandas is an open-source data analysis and manipulation tool that is fast, flexible, flexible, and easy to use. It was built on top the Python programming language. Tools for reading and writing data between memory data structures and various formats: CSV, text files, Microsoft Excel, SQL databases and the fast HDF5 format. Intelligent data alignment and integrated handling missing data: Use a powerful group engine to perform split-apply/combine operations on data sets. Time series-functionality: date range generation and frequency conversion, moving window statistics, date shifting and lagging. You can even create domain-specific offsets and join time sequences without losing data.
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    Scapy Reviews
    Scapy is an interactive packet manipulation program. It can forge and decode packets from a variety of protocols, send them over the wire, capture them and match requests and responses. It can handle most of the classic tasks such as scanning, tracerouting and probing, attacks, or network detection (it can replace Hping, 85% nmap, arpspoofsk, arping), tcpdumpshark, p0f and tshark). It can also handle a lot more specific tasks than most other tools, such as sending invalid frames, injecting 802.11 frames, combining technologynics (VLAN hopping+ARP caching poisoning, VOIP descoding on WEP encrypted channel), and so forth. Scapy works natively on Linux and Windows as well as OSX and most Unixes that have libpcap. The same code base runs natively on Python 2 and Python 3 Scapy development uses Git version control system. The GitHub repository hosts the Scapy reference repository.
  • 20
    requests Reviews


    Python Software Foundation

    1 Rating
    Requests is an elegant and simple HTTP library. Requests makes it easy to send HTTP/1.1 queries. You don't need to manually add query strings or form-encode your PUT and POST data to your URLs. Instead, you can use the JSON method. Requests is the most downloaded Python package today, pulling in approximately 30M downloads per week, according to GitHub. Requests is currently dependent upon 1,000,000+ repositories. This code is certainly worth your trust. PyPI has Requests. Requests is available to meet the demands of building reliable and robust HTTP-speaking applications for today's needs. Automated content decompression and decoding. International URLs and domains. Sessions with cookie persistence. Browser-style TLS/SSL verification. Basic and digest authentication, as well as familiar dict-like cookies. Multi-part file uploads. SOCKS proxy support. Connection timeouts and streaming downloading.
  • 21
    DataViewsJS Reviews



    $999 per year
    DataViewsJS allows you to customize the presentation of your data professionally using different layouts, rows templates, calculations and editing modes. You can use the powerful calc engine for calculations on any JSON data set. Our calculation engine optimizes your computing power for complex calculations and large data. DataViewsJS was built from the ground up to be a powerful, flexible, and fast developer tool that can display and edit data to suit any JavaScript application. DataViewsJS includes localized resources for Chinese and Japanese as well as Korean. You can easily add additional languages by creating resource files and setting them up with simple script code. DataViewsJS interchangeable layouts make it easy to present modern data patterns, such as those found on social networks and other sites.
  • 22
    ILLA Cloud Reviews

    ILLA Cloud

    ILLA Cloud

    $10 per editor per month
    2 Ratings
    Accelerate your internal tools development. Low-code platform that allows developers to create internal tools in just minutes. SQL Generate allows you to input natural language and generate SQL statements. This works with databases such as MySQL, Postgre and Supabase. We give developers a great deal of freedom in implementing richer functionality with JavaScript. Wrapping JS statements using Template syntax allows them to place any string type variables at any space for more variety. ILLA is able to connect to any data via APIs or mainstream databases and add actions that are chained to user events. It integrates data from the backend with the frontend components. Developers can write simple data calls for massive information interaction.
  • 23
    Avanzai Reviews
    Avanzai allows you to use natural language to produce Python code that is ready for production. This will help you speed up your financial data analysis. Avanzai makes financial data analysis easier for both beginners as well as experts. It uses plain English to provide simple English support. Natural prompts allow you to plot times series data, equity index members, or stock performance data. Use AI to generate code using the relevant Python packages. You can edit the code as needed. Once you are satisfied with the code, copy it into your local environment. Then you can get to work. Use Python packages such as Pandas, Numpy and others to perform quant analysis. You can quickly extract fundamental data and calculate the performance for nearly all US stocks. Accurate and current information will improve your investment decisions. Avanzai allows you to write the same Python code as quants to analyze complex financial data.
  • 24
    NGX-Bootstrap Reviews
    We have put a lot of effort into making ngx_bootstrap modular. This allows you to implement your templates, styles, and whatnot. All components are designed with adaptability and extensibility in mind. They will work on both Mobile and Desktop with equal performance. To improve code readability and maintainability, we have included a set style guidelines and guidelines. We provide full coverage for unit-test coverage and support all Angular versions. We are developers ourselves so we know the importance of documentation. Documentation that is well-written and regularly updated can greatly simplify the lives of developers and improve the quality of software. We do our best to provide the best documentation possible. You need to understand what you are getting when working with visually rich libraries. We have created a set of great demos for the majority of the component's methods.
  • 25
    pexpect Reviews
    Pexpect makes Python an easier tool for controlling other programs. Pexpect can be used to create child applications, control them and respond to their output. Pexpect works like Don Libes' Expect. Your script can use Pexpect to create a child application. You can also control it like a human would. Pexpect is a tool that automates interactive applications like ssh and FTP, passwd and telnet. It can also be used to automate setup scripts that duplicate software package installations on different servers. It can also be used to automate software testing. Pexpect has a similar spirit to Don Libes' Expect but is pure Python. Pexpect is not like other Expect-like Python modules. It doesn't require Expect or TCL to be compiled. It should work on any platform that can support the standard Python pty modules. The Pexpect interface is easy to use.
  • 26
    NetworkX Reviews
    NetworkX is a Python package that allows you to create, manipulate, and study the structure, dynamics, as well as the functions, of complex networks. Generators for classic, random, and synthetic graphs. Python offers additional benefits such as fast prototyping and easy teaching. Network structure and analysis measures.
  • 27
    urllib3 Reviews
    urllib3 is a powerful and user-friendly HTTP client that Python uses. You should use urllib3 as a client for your Python environment. Many critical features are missing from the Python standard library, and urllib3 provides them. Thread safety, connection pooling and client-side SSL/TLS verification. Multipart encryption is used for file uploads. Helpers for dealing with HTTP redirects and retrying requests. Support for deflate, gzip, and brotli encryption. Proxy support for HTTPS and SOCKS. 100% coverage of the test. urllib3 is one the most downloaded Python packages. It is a dependency on many popular Python packages such as Requests, Pip and more! urllib3 is available under the MIT License. API Reference documentation provides API-level documentation. The User Guide explains how to use the library to accomplish common tasks. For lower-level tweaking, the Advanced Usage Guide is a more detailed guide.
  • 28
    Fortran Reviews
    Fortran was designed from the ground up to support computationally intensive applications in engineering and science. You can write code that runs fast and close to the metal with mature and battle-tested libraries and compilers. Fortran is statically and heavily typed. This allows the compiler to catch programming errors early. This allows the compiler generate efficient binary code. Fortran is a small language that is easy to learn and use. It is easy to express most mathematical and arithmetic operations on large arrays by simply writing them out on a whiteboard. Fortran is a natively parallel programming languages that uses intuitive array-like syntax to exchange data between CPUs. It is possible to run almost identical code on one CPU, on a shared memory multicore system or on a distributed-memory HPC system or cloud-based system.
  • 29
    Pylons Reviews


    Python Software Foundation

    1 Rating
    The Pylons web framework was designed to make it easy and quick to build web applications and websites. They can be as simple as one Python module or as complex as a directory layout for larger, more complex web applications. Pylons includes project templates to help you set up a new web app project. Or, you can create your own and customize it as you wish. This framework makes it easy to write Python web applications. It is simple to expand on the minimalist, component-based philosophy. Use existing Python knowledge. Extensible application design. High performance, fast and efficient with a very small per-request stack. Uses well-tested Python packages. The Pylons 1.0 series is stable, production-ready, but in maintenance-only mode. The Pylons Project maintains the Pyramid web framework to support future development. Pylons 1.0 users are strongly encouraged to use Pyramid for their next project.
  • 30
    Matplotlib Reviews
    Matplotlib is a Python library that allows you to create interactive, animated, or static visualizations. Matplotlib makes difficult things simple and easy. Many third-party packages extend and build upon Matplotlib functionality. These include several higher-level plotting interfaces such as seaborn, HoloViews and ggplot.
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    gevent Reviews
    Gevent is a Python networking library that uses coroutine. It uses greenlet to provide an API for high-level synchronous APIs on top of the event loops libev and libuv. Gevent is inspired by Eventlet, but has a more consistent API and simpler implementation. It also offers better performance. See why gevent is used by others and see the list of open-source projects that are based on gevent.
  • 32
    python-docx Reviews
    python_docx is a Python library that allows you to create and update Microsoft Word (.docx), files. Word's fundamental structure is the paragraph. They are used for body text as well as headings and list items such bullets. Although you can specify width and height, it is not recommended. If you only specify one, python docx uses it for the correct scaled value of both. This ensures that your image doesn't look stretched and preserves the aspect ratio. You should learn what a Word paragraph format is. It allows you to apply multiple formatting options to a paragraph at a time. Python-docx can be used to create new documents and make changes to existing documents. It only allows you to make changes to existing documents. However, if you start with a blank document, it may feel like you are creating one from scratch.
  • 33
    WTForms Reviews
    WTForms allows you to easily validate and render forms for Python web development. It works with any web framework or template engine. It supports data validation, CSRF Protection, Internationalization (I18N), among other features. There are many community libraries that allow for closer integration with popular frameworks. WTForms strives to make APIs as easy as possible. WTForms can be used by a variety of libraries. However, if a library is not listed it doesn't necessarily mean it won't work. Any ORM or object-DB should be able to work as long as they allow access to members via data objects. WTForms uses unicode string throughout the source code. It assumes that input to forms has been forced to unicode by your framework. WTForms fields default to unicode strings. As long as your templating engine is capable of handling that, you should not have unicode issues.
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    parsel Reviews


    Python Software Foundation

    Parsel is a BSD licensed Python library that extracts and removes data from HTML and XML. It uses XPath, CSS selectors and regular expressions. Make a selector object to parse the HTML or XML text. Next, use CSS or XPath expressions for selecting elements. CSS is a language that allows you to apply styles to HTML documents. It defines selectors that allow you to associate styles with specific HTML elements. XPath, which can be used with HTML, is a language that allows you to select nodes from XML documents. You can choose to use CSS or XPath. While CSS is more readable than XPath, some things cannot be done with XPath. Parsel selectors are built on top of lxml and support certain EXSLT extensions. They also come with pre-registered namesspaces for use in XPath statements. Parsel selectors let you chain selectors. This means that you can select by class using CSS, and then switch to XPath if necessary.
  • 35
    Vega-Altair Reviews
    Altair Engineering, Inc. is not affiliated with the Vega-Altair open-source projects. Altair's API is easy to use, consistent, and friendly. It is built on top VegaLite's powerful visualization grammar. This simple design produces beautiful and efficient visualizations with minimal code. The idea behind linking data columns to visual encoding channels is the key. All other details of the plot are handled automatically. This declarative plotting idea allows for a surprising variety of plots and visualizations. It is possible to create them using relatively simple grammar.
  • 36
    Flutter Reviews
    Top Pick
    Flutter is Google's UI Toolkit that allows you to create beautiful, natively compiled apps for mobile, web and desktop using a single codebase. Stateful Hot Reload makes your app come to life in a matter of seconds. You can quickly create native interfaces with a rich collection of widgets that you can fully customize. You can quickly ship features that are focused on native end-user experiences. The layering architecture allows for full customization which results in extremely fast rendering and expressive and flexible design. Flutter's widgets include all platform differences, such as scrolling and navigation. Your Flutter code is compiled using Dart's native compilers to native ARM machine codes. Flutter's hot reload allows you to quickly and easily experiment, create UIs, add features and fix bugs quicker. Flutter's hot reload speeds are sub-second and you won't lose state on simulators, emulators, or hardware.
  • 37
    Webix Reviews
    JavaScript UI library and framework to speed up web development. JS Framework for cross platform web Apps development 102 UI widgets, feature-rich CSS / HTML5 JavaScript control. Pre-made widgets, UI controls and templates can save you at least 3000+ hours of development time. Web UI development is 30% faster. We have accumulated the most innovative design ideas. Five conceptual designs were carefully considered by us. Our support specialists are experts in all aspects of our library and can help with any problem. You can also contact our developers via the official support forum. Webix JS framework allows you to create elegant, lightweight code that is based on object-oriented programming principles. Associate your project with jQuery JavaScript library and MVC frameworks AngularJS AngularJS Vue.js Backbone.js, React, Vue.js and Backbone.js. Third-party UI extensions.
  • 38
    Formidable Victory Reviews
    Victory is a collection of modular charting elements for React Native and React. Victory is easy to use and offers flexibility. You can create unique data visualizations that are completely customizable with fully customizable styles. Victory uses the same API to create cross-platform charts. Reusable data visualization elements that are fully contained and reusable can be responsible for their own styles, behaviors, and colors. React.js-based library to create sleek presentations using JSX syntax. You can even live demo your code! Universal React Query library is a lightning-fast GraphQL client that's exposed as a collection of ReactJS components. React's physics-based animation library, inspired by nature.
  • 39
    InterBase and Firebird Data Access Components Reviews
    InterBase (and FireBird), Data Access Components is a collection of components that provides native connectivity from Delphi and C++Builder to InterBase or Firebird. It also includes Community Edition and Lazarus (and Free Pascal), for 32-bit and 64 bit platforms. InterBase clients allow IBDAC-based apps to connect directly to the server. IBDAC is intended to assist programmers in creating faster and cleaner InterBase application programs. IBDAC is a complete alternative to standard InterBase connectivity solutions. It is an efficient alternative to InterBase express components, the Borland Database Engine - BDE, and the standard dbExpress driver to access InterBase.
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    Oracle Data Access Components Reviews
    Oracle Data Access Components is a collection of components that provide native connectivity to Oracle from Delphi or C++Builder, including Community Edition. It also includes Lazarus (and Free Pascal), on Windows, Linux and macOS, iOS, Android, and Android for 32-bit and 64 bit platforms. ODAC is a library that helps programmers create native Oracle database applications faster and more efficiently. ODAC is a high-performance, feature-rich Oracle connectivity solution that can be used in place of the Borland Database Engine, (BDE), and standard dbExpress driver. It offers both native Oracle data access and direct Oracle client access.
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    SQLite Data Access Components Reviews
    SQLite offers unparalleled performance and endless possibilities. SQLite Data Access Components, also known as LiteDAC, is a collection of components that allows native connectivity to SQLite using C++Builder and Delphi. It also includes Lazarus (and Free Pascal), as well as C++Builder and Community Edition. This library can be used on Windows, Linux and macOS as well as Android for 32-bit and 64 bit platforms. LiteDAC allows programmers to create truly cross-platform desktop or mobile SQLite databases applications without the need to deploy additional libraries. LiteDAC-based DB apps are simple to deploy and don't require additional data provider layers (such BDE or ODBC). They work faster than those based on standard Delphi data connectivity options. LiteDAC also allows you to directly work with SQLite and C++Builder by linking the client library statically to your application.
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    MySQL Data Access Components Reviews
    MySQL offers unparalleled performance and endless possibilities. MySQL Data Access Components, also known as MyDAC, is a collection of components that allows direct access to MySQL and MariaDB via Delphi and C++Builder. This includes Community Edition as well as Lazarus and Free Pascal on Windows, Linux and macOS. It can also be used on Android for 32-bit and 64 bit platforms. MyDAC applications can connect to MySQL server directly or use the MySQL client library. MySQL Data Access Components were created to make it easier for programmers to develop MySQL database applications. MyDAC is a complete alternative to standard MySQL connectors. It offers an efficient alternative to standard dbExpress drivers for MySQL access and the Borland Database Engine (BDE).
  • 43
    Aptugo Reviews
    Aptugo's visual interface makes it easy to create scalable Web and Mobile Apps. You have complete control over your source code and can access endless possibilities. Aptugo allows you to create any Web or Mobile App faster and with proven quality standards. Aptugo offers more than 100 components that you can drag and drop. They can be customized and re-used endlessly. Developers can create new elements with their own DNA to drag, drop, and reuse within their library. Aptugo has more than 100 elements that can be dragged, dropped and reused. You can also create and add your own components. You can adapt components to any programming language. Expert developers can create and define elements using their own code. It can be any element from either the front or back-end: charts and maps, forms, and a LinkedIn API connector. The sky is the limit!
  • 44
    PostgreSQL Data Access Components Reviews
    PostgreSQL offers unparalleled performance and endless possibilities. PostgreSQL Data Access Components is a collection of components that provide native connectivity to PostgreSQL using C++Builder and Delphi. It also includes Lazarus (and Free Pascal), for 32-bit and 64 bit platforms. PgDAC was created to allow programmers to create lightweight, faster and cleaner PostgreSQL databases applications without having to deploy additional libraries. PgDAC is an alternative to standard PostgreSQL connectivity solutions. It offers an efficient alternative to standard dbExpress drivers and the Borland Database Engine. It allows direct access to PostgreSQL with no need for the PostgreSQL client. PgDAC allows developers optimize their database applications and take advantage of the full capabilities offered by PostgreSQL.
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    SQL Server Data Access Components Reviews
    SQL Server offers unparalleled performance and endless possibilities. SQL Server Data Access Components is a collection of components that allows native connectivity to SQL Server using Delphi and C++Builder, including Community Edition. It also includes Lazarus (and Free Pascal), for Windows, Linux and macOS, iOS, Android, and Android for 32-bit and 64 bit platforms. SDAC-based applications can connect to SQL Server directly via OLE DB, which provides a native interface to SQL Server. SDAC is intended to make it easier for programmers to create SQL Server database applications faster and cleaner. SDAC is a high-performance and feature-rich SQL Server connectivity option that can be used to replace standard SQL Server connectivity solutions. It offers an efficient native alternative for the Borland Database Engine, (BDE), and standard dbExpress driver to access SQL Server. SDAC-based DB apps are easy to install and do not require additional data provider layers.
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    Selenium WebDriver Reviews
    Selenium WebDriver runs a browser natively. It does this in the same way as a real user, locally or remotely. WebDriver is easy to use. It is a compact and concise programming interface. WebDriver is easy to use with all major browsers. Automate real user interactions in Firefox and Safari, Edge, Chrome and Internet Explorer. Selenium WebDriver is both the language bindings as well as the implementations of each browser controlling code. This is often referred to simply as WebDriver. The W3C is an international organization that develops Web standards. WebDriver was a W3C recommendation in June 2018. Major browser vendors, including Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Microsoft, support WebDriver. They work continuously to improve browsers and browser controlling codes, which results in a more consistent behavior across browsers, which makes automation scripts more stable.
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    Belle Reviews
    Belle offers a collection of React components such as Toggle, ComboBox and Rating, TextInput, TextInput, Button and Card, Select, and many others. All components are optimized for use on both mobile and desktop devices. The styles can be customized on two levels. You can modify the individual components individually or configure the base styles.
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    WinJS Reviews
    Microsoft is committed to ensuring that WinJS runs for existing customers. We don't plan to invest in new features. Only bug fixes that address major issues that are preventing customer deployments will be considered. We may also consider bug fixes in order to assist customers with their WinJS-based apps. Contribute by reviewing code checkins and providing feedback, suggesting new features and testing them out as they are implemented. You can also submit bugs and help us verify fixes as they are tested. All code submissions will undergo rigorous review and testing by the team. Only those that meet a high standard for quality and design appropriateness, will be merged into source.
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    Leaflet Reviews
    Leaflet is the most popular open-source JavaScript library to create mobile-friendly interactive maps. It is only 42KB in size and has all the mapping features that most developers need. Leaflet was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to use. It is compatible with all major mobile and desktop platforms. It can be extended with many plugins. It has a beautiful, well-documented API that is easy to use and readable source code that makes it easy to contribute. Leaflet isn't trying to be everything to everyone. Leaflet focuses on the essentials and makes them work perfectly. Mobile apps feel as smooth as native apps thanks to hardware acceleration. CSS3 features are used to make zooming and panning very easy. It's very fast thanks to smart polyline/polygon rendering that includes dynamic clipping and simplifying. Modular build system allows you to leave out features that you don't use. Mobile tap delay elimination
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    Actipro Reviews



    $649 one-time payment
    Advanced docking windows, MDI property grids, tree control, and folder/file browsers for building IDEs. Robust editors for common data types. Ribbon, charts and micro charts, navigation, gauges and task boards, bar codes, wizard, modern theme, and many more. Actipro is a leader in professional user interface controls for Microsoft UI platforms such as WPF and also offers products for other platforms. Multiple user interface controls can enhance any.NET Windows Forms app's presentation. Professionally-designed royalty-free icons for any application or web site user interface. Actipro products are licensed by over 6,750 organizations, from large multinational corporations to small businesses. Actipro UI controls are used by organizations from over 100 countries around the world.