My Visual Voicemail Description
My Visual Voicemail allows you to listen to messages in any order and respond in one click. You can also update your contacts and manage your inbox from anywhere without ever having to dial into your voicemail. My Visual Voicemail activates immediately and you don't have to change your voicemail number. My Visual Voicemail includes an Unread Messages widget. You can add the Visual Voicemail widget to most Android devices by long pressing any space on your home screen and selecting 'Add Widgets.' Then choose the Visual Voicemail widget from an alphabetical list.
My Visual Voicemail Alternatives
T-Mobile Visual Voicemail
T-Mobile Voicemail keeps getting better! Visual Voicemail's latest release includes UI enhancements for Voice to Text and the new Scam Shield™, along with stability and performance improvements. T-Mobile Scam Shield™ allows users identify, block, report, and report potential scam calls. Visual Voicemail allows you to listen to any message in any order, respond quickly, update your contacts, and manage your inbox from anywhere without ever having to dial into your voicemail.
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AT&T Voicemail Viewer
This app is only for AT&T voicemail on landlines. It does not work with mobile phones. Before downloading this app, make sure you have your AT&T office or home voicemail PIN. The AT&T Voicemail Viewer app allows you to easily keep track of voicemails and Unified Messaging messages from your Android phone. Voicemail Viewer allows you to view your messages and choose the order you want to listen to them. Voicemail Viewer may have a voicemail to text feature (VMTT), which allows you to automatically transcribe your voicemail. Voicemail Viewer includes VMTT for traditional phone service with Voicemail and Unified Messaging. Voicemail Viewer does not include VMTT for traditional phone service with Voicemail and Unified Messaging.
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Visual Voicemail by MetroPCS
MetroPCS Voicemail keeps getting even better! Visual Voicemail allows you to listen to messages in any order and respond in one click. You can also update your contacts and manage your inbox without ever having to dial into your voicemail. Visual Voicemail is activated immediately, so there's no need to change your MetroPCS number or reconfigure voicemail forwarding. For a small monthly charge, you can upgrade to Voicemail To Text and have all your voicemails transcribed into text in the application inbox. MetroPCS Visual Voicemail may occasionally use free SMS messages to communicate directly with the Voicemail server. MetroPCS Visual Voicemail now includes an Unread Messages widget.
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Cellcom Visual Voicemail
This app is regularly updated to ensure stability, security, and reliability. Cellcom Visual Voicemail doesn't require you to call in or listen in to voicemail messages in a specific order. Instead, you'll see a list with all your voicemail messages on Android. You can choose which order you want to play, call back or forward, and then delete any of them. You can quickly find the most important messages and delete unimportant messages without ever hearing them. Cellcom's Visual Voicemail App sends SMS messages to voicemail servers. Cellcom customers do not pay for outgoing SMS messages. Voicemail messages can be answered by calling back or sending a text message. Play, pause, rewind, and fast-forward messages.
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