What Integrates with Medbridge?

Find out what Medbridge integrations exist in 2025. Learn what software and services currently integrate with Medbridge, and sort them by reviews, cost, features, and more. Below is a list of products that Medbridge currently integrates with:

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    AgileEMR Reviews



    $49.99 per provider per month
    1 Rating
    We provide everything you need to manage your documentation, billing, scheduling, and template management in one platform. AgileEMR was created by physical therapists and offers complete control. AgilEMR was developed under the supervision of a team made up of physical therapists. Agile is the only EMR system specifically designed for physical therapy. The time spent navigating complex EMRs can lead to lost time with patients, decreased revenue and a decrease in quality of care. Agile's intuitive and simple design makes it easy to navigate the system without spending valuable time looking for information. A reliable EMR for physical therapy makes it easier for clinical staff to schedule appointments, process billing, and manage insurance.
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