Manifold GIS
Manifold Release 9 is a faster, more reliable, and more accurate GIS. It costs only $95, fully-paid, and runs much faster than other GIS. Manifold delivers lightning fast performance and rock-solid reliability even with large amounts of data. You can see the YouTube video: Manifold runs all cores on your computer in nine seconds, instead of twelve minutes as ESRI's Spatial Analysis. Manifold is so fast, ESRI users can save hours exporting data to Manifold and then doing geoprocessing in seconds. Then, import back into ESRI. All data can be mastered in tables, vector geometry and raster data. Connect to multiple sources simultaneously to blend, prepare and transform, load, validate, visualize, and explore your data.
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OpenStreetMap offers map data for thousands upon thousands of websites, mobile apps, and other hardware devices. OpenStreetMap was created by a group of mappers who contribute and maintain data about roads and trails, cafes and railway stations around the globe. OpenStreetMap is based on local knowledge. OpenStreetMap contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, as well as low-tech field maps, to confirm that OSM is accurate. OpenStreetMap's community grows every day. It is passionate, diverse, and passionate. Our contributors include GIS professionals, enthusiasts mappers, engineers running OSM servers, humanitarians who map disaster-affected regions, and many others. OpenStreetMap Blog, user diaries and community blogs provide more information about the community. OpenStreetMap data is free and open data. You can use it for whatever purpose you like, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap's contributors.
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To create maps, you don't need an account. You can customize marker icons by uploading your own images. Crowd Source marker additions for restricted marker groups. For map entries, add searchable custom fields. Highlight countries, states and cities. Keep maps data private. HIPAA compliant infrastructure. For brochures and presentations, you can use PDF or PNG maps. You can select up to 75 markers groups and sub-groups. Enter field values and distance to search for entries. You can add video, photo, and audio to your markers. A clickable list of entries can be shown to the right or left of your map. You can manage your map entries using a powerful editing grid. Maps are compatible with all smartphones and tablets. Interactive maps and map images are both available. Multi-point route optimizer to calculate distance and time. Combine your regional data.
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OpenCities Map
MicroStation is a powerful and familiar environment that allows you to create, maintain, analyze, share, and distribute your geospatial, business, and engineering information. Using engineering-quality GIS, you can create quality maps and unify disparate 2D/3D information. Engineer-accurate object editing, creation, and mapping tools can save time and eliminate rework. Use a strong yet flexible application program interface (API) for developing custom GIS applications. The Bentley Map Mobile app gives field personnel quick access via a tablet to increase productivity and improve decision-making. Bentley OpenCities Map offers several versions because every user has different requirements and needs. Incorporate engineering data, survey data and digital imagery to create 3D city information models. Automated creation of 3D reality meshes for cities.
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