Auto Librarian
The Auto Librarian Cloud's search capabilities allow all categories (Title Callnumber Author, Author, Subject, and Subject) simultaneously to be searched with lightning speed. Large search results can be quickly paginated into manageable sizes of 25 to 50 records at once, and almost instantly refined with each keystroke. The Results Grid updates as you type. You can take actions such as checking the status of the Material or viewing the link that automatically connects to Google Books. This will provide you with a wealth information about the material. Patron Access allows you to increase your Catalog presence in the library and into classrooms by connecting with any internet-connected computer. Borrowers have the ability to view their Circulation Summaries, including checkouts, fines, and checkout history. A pin# is required. This quick link displays the ten latest materials added to the collection. It gives the user a quick overview of what's new in the library.
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Online Public Access Catalogue (Students have access to digital library, journals, books, reserve, renew, check out, and participate in feedback. Physical Library (includes all modules of requisition and acquisition, cataloguing membership, circulation, periodicals reports, statistics, visitor administration etc. Digital Library (manage digital subscriptions and eBooks, institutional repository). Access to partner libraries, your publications, and access to other resources. Student Communication (kiosk management and selective dissemination of information), Current Awareness Service, Mass Communication and Surveys, Current Awareness Service, Mass Communication, Surveys, etc. Id Card Design and Printing, barcode printing directly on the software on A4 size papers. Customized software is also available for printing on special printers. Display dashboards according to guidelines from NAAC and NBA, NBA, AICTE and NMC (MCI), and other bodies. You can also create your own dashboards such as Balanced Scorecards, Balanced Scorecards, etc.
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Handy Library Manager
Your library can be run in seconds. It is simple to use and easy for everyone. Get it now and give it a try! Manage your library items, borrower information, circulation transactions, and more. All the features you need to manage your library will be available. Handy Library Manager is a fully-featured, affordable library management software that can be used by small and medium libraries. The user interface is simple and allows you to quickly catalog your library items, enter library patrons, and process circulation transactions. The software is easy to use even if you are not a computer expert. This application is easy to use for volunteers and casual librarians.
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Journal Finder
Journal Finder®, your complete A-Z List and Link Resolver, as well as an ERM solution, is Journal Finder®. Library users will have easy access to your electronic content via a simple, user-friendly interface. Created by librarians, for library patrons! Journal Finder was created by staff from the University of North Carolina – Greensboro in 2000. It was the first OpenURL Link Resolver in production in the United States. Journal Finder was purchased by WT Cox in 2008. Access all your journals from one place. Multiple ways to access titles (electronic and print, ILL, and document delivery). Automatically updated list content. WT Cox hosts your site -- no server headaches. Fully customizable to complement your library's website. Management reports. Simple administration for maintaining content. All e-resources require basic ERM tools. You can link from one citation in a commercial database to the library catalogue or to the full text article in another database.
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