Zoho One
You can replace your scattered cloud applications, legacy tools, or paper-based processes by one operating system that will serve your entire business. Zoho One is a single integrated platform that can transform your business' disparate activities to make it more connected and agile. You can increase productivity, improve customer experience, and more. Collect leads, close deals quickly, create invoices and quotes, sign contracts digitally, and track every metric. Close deals, manage projects and contracts, track and bill expenses and time, and stay on budget and on schedule. Create segments, send targeted surveys and campaigns at the right time, and track your performance with executive dashboards.
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Our cloud-based system manages everything, from leads to clients, invoicing to documents, project management to email marketing, and replaces 3-4 apps with one. You don't have to divide your team between multiple apps. SWELLEnterprise makes it easy to save time and keeps everything in one place. No more app switching. SWELLEnterprise brings together all your business tools into one. This gives you a complete view of your clients. With us, you can quickly understand customer needs. SWELLEnterprise can be tailored to meet your needs. Allow the tools you require. Hide the ones that you don't need. Your company colors will be used to brand the app. You can create what you need. SWELLEnterprise automates the repetitive tasks for you. Never worry about creating contracts or projects, invoicing, or sending out welcome emails.
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A French-language, intuitive management tool that saves time will help you organize your company. Are you a small business with less than 30 employees MyClic is a tool for small businesses (SMEs and VSEs as well as Start-Ups) that helps them save time and improve their marketing management. It brings together all your data: customers, prospects and contacts. The goal: To have a global view of your company and to understand the current missions. MyClic will allow you to focus on your core business. Centralization of customer data and files will improve customer relationship management. A glance of all the tasks is required to see the status of the contracts and deals in progress.
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Get Proteus and get better productivity, better consistency, better control, and better visibility. Proteus is the complete project management solution built by energy experts for people in the energy sector. Proteus brings project planning, resource management, project management, collaboration, project financials, and business intelligence into one integrated solution. Proteus moves energy companies away from a fixed cost model to an on-demand model, crucial to staying competitive in a low margin environment. Move faster, stay accurate, deliver more projects and keep work simplified.
Use Proteus to bring all project workflows together in one single view: clients, proposals, projects, invoicing, documents, inventory, and more- all in one place. Integrated with Microsoft 365.
Project teams can collaborate with remote access to timesheets, equipment details, project costs, work completion status, and other resources. Generate invoices and manage client information, and legal contracts from a unified platform. Proteus enables project managers to store documents centrally and streamline workflows, technical calculations, and other operations. Monitor metrics in real time and get full project control.
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