Sila is an end-to-end payment platform that provides Banking-as-a-Service through a developer-friendly payment API that is scalable and allows for fast and secure money transfers.
Sila’s payment platform streamlines building and launching fintech apps and embedded payment products for financial products, fintech, crypto, and Web3.
Sila’s offerings include Virtual Accounts, Digital Wallets, KYC/KYB, and ACH payments APIs for software teams. Additional functionality is available through a network of pre-approved and pre-integrated partners (to different degrees). Sila was recognized as the Best Payments as a Service Platform by the 2022 Embedded Banking Awards of Tearsheet. Sila is headquartered in Portland, Oregon.
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Tuum's mission is to help banks replace their legacy systems quickly and safely, reduce their maintenance costs, and open up new opportunities to adapt and thrive in the digital age. We use a smart migration strategy to help banks move away from their current systems. Our clients are able to go live in an average of 7 months using this approach. Once our system is live, it allows banks to launch new products and expand into new verticals. Tuum offers more than just core functionality. It allows banks to manage multiple business lines, including accounts, loans, payments, cards, and go further with access to a preconfigured ecosystem of partner solutions. Tuum allows for business transformation. Our business builder allows banks to configure their operating, distribution, and sourcing models precisely to launch unique models that capitalize on the opportunities of digitization.
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Cyberbank is a Next-Gen Core banking platform and a Digital Engagement accelerator. This platform is designed to help you stand out by adapting to changing consumer behavior and making you an integral part of customers' lives. Two pieces, a single architecture. Cloud Native, API-centric, and microservices-based, it is a unique digital banking backbone. The Cyberbank platform is used by banks, challenger banks, fintech companies, and neobanks. Only platform that can dynamically modify end-to-end product definitions, and adapt to modern customer behavior. Cyberbank Next-Gen Core allows you to dynamically create and refine products and services based on customer needs and behavior. All-in-one modern products, including deposits, loans, and payments. Cyberbank Digital allows you to create digital ecosystems, and build exceptional, empathic experiences online.
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Elcoin Automated Banking System
Elcoin Automated Banking System is a fully-fledged transactional bank system that supports a wide variety of financial intermediation models. Elcoin ABS is able to run automated banking infrastructures for payment service providers, commercial banks, and e-money companies. Elcoin ABS offers an open API architecture that allows you to request both internal services and global banking payment capabilities.
Elcoin ABS offers modular functionality that can be assembled according to the business model and required services. These modules include Core and Contacts, Products and Accounts. Payments, Foreign Exchange, Cards Crypto, Treasury, Notifications Channels and Processes are all available.
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