WingArc Retail Analytics
WingArc Retail Analytics allows you to understand your customers, cut costs, and measure the effectiveness of your marketing. You can use your existing security camera infrastructure for traffic counting and heat maps of customer activity. Integrate with Point of Sale data for conversions, capture rate, and average transaction values. Based on accurate traffic predictions, build staff rosters. Maximize your sales potential by optimizing your resources. Interactive dashboards and automated scheduled reports allow you to analyze store performance. An integrated retail analytics platform that provides deep insight into customer behaviour in-store. You can now understand your customers and potential customers with data like never before. We use your existing security camera infrastructure for analysis of activity wherever the cameras are pointing. This allows you to track foot traffic and count customers who enter your premises.
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StayinFront Video Analysis
StayinFront Digital offers consistent and accurate customer and shopper analytics. This allows retailers to better understand how different initiatives within the physical outlet affect behavior, customer experience, and operational efficiencies. In-store analytics of foot traffic and queue time provide a detailed, reliable, and timely insight into how shoppers respond to certain store layouts, merchandising and staffing. Managers and staff can receive real-time alerts triggered by shopper analysis so they can respond to specific issues or opportunities. StayinFront converts shopper foot movement, foot traffic, and shopper behavior into visually appealing dashboards and KPIs. You can track how many people enter, leave, and pass your store. Know how long customers spend at tables and end caps.
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StreetLight Data
Smartphones can be used as sensors to measure foot, vehicle, transit, bike and bicycle traffic almost anywhere. Our software can be used to calculate counts, O-D and other transportation metrics for any road, area, or time period. 1000s of professionals empowered to manage transportation. We provide richer answers and accelerate transportation analyses with O-D analysis, AADT, turning ratios, and other metrics. You can do all of this from your computer, no need to deploy sensors or collect surveys. We help you plan, based upon how people, cars, and other modes interact within your area. Our analytics transform new modes and mobility patterns into opportunities. Real-world data is used to gather stakeholders, implement better mobility solutions, measure the after and before. We use smartphones as sensors and proprietary RouteScience®, to analyze and illuminate travel patterns throughout North America.
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Pygmalios Analytics
To predict and analyze customer behavior, collect data points from every step of your customer journey. Get business-critical insights to drive action at the right place and time. From simple people counting to complex customer journey analytics and critical process optimization throughout your entire store chain, we can help. We've got you covered. You will get an unprecedented view of customer footfall patterns, basic visitor profiles and detailed occupancy reports. Also, you can see the most recent traffic trends analysis. A complete sales funnel view is available to accurately measure store performance, optimize staff schedules, improve store serviceability, among other things. Receive real-time alerts to combat never-ending queues and keep your stores safe with automated occupancy management. You can also test your layouts and measure how customers interact when they see different product displays. You can get a customized solution that suits your needs, such as a sales funnel view, staff scheduling optimization, queue management, and more.
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