F3D Description
F3D is an easy-to-use 3D viewer. It supports a wide range of file formats from digital content and scientific datasets to thumbnails, animations, and many rendering options, including real-time physically based rendering.
It can be controlled from the command-line and supports configuration files. It can provide thumbnails and support interactive hotkeys. Drag&drop, integration into file managers, and integration with file managers are all possible.
F3D contains libf3d as well, a simple library for rendering meshes. It has C++ and Python bindings as well as experimental Javascript and Javascript.
F3D Alternatives
CAD Assistant
Open CascadeCAD Assistant is an offline 3D CAD viewer/converter with an intuitive interface. It is free for personal and commercial use. The solution was originally developed to showcase the Open CASCADE Technology on mobile platforms. It has been widely used by thousands of users on desktops and mobiles around the world as a fast and useful 3D viewer. CAD Assistant puts the power of open technologies in the hands of engineers who work with 3D data. CAD Assistant is based upon open source libraries (Open CASCADE Technology Qt, FreeType and FreeImage, etc.). Open formats are available for CAD and mesh data (STEP and IFC, IGES and BREP), glTF and JT, PLY STL, OBJ and 3DM. It supports a variety of file formats, including DXF and SAT (ACIS), XT(Parasolid). Additional functionality in CAD Assistant includes the ability to view mesh models and associated data. You can read files in PLY format to view mesh.
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Open source software for editing and processing 3D triangular meshes. It includes tools for editing, cleaning and healing, inspecting, inspecting, inspecting, rendering texturing, texturing, and converting meshes. It can process raw data from 3D digitization devices/tools, and prepare models for 3D printing. This version supports several file formats (.gltf.glb.nxs.nxz.e57) as well as a plugin for exact meshbooleans. The 3D data alignment phase, also known as registration, is an essential step in the process of processing 3D scanned data. MeshLab is a powerful tool that allows you to move the different meshes into one common reference system. It can also manage large range-maps. MeshLab uses a fine-tuned ICP one-to-1 alignment step, followed with a global bundle adjustment error distribution step. The alignment can be done on point clouds and meshes from multiple sources, including active scanners (both short-range and long-range).
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View3dscene is a viewer that supports many 3D model formats, including glTF and X3D. Explore the virtual world with collisions and gravity, animations sensors, shadows mirrors, shaders, reflections, and more. All models can be converted to X3D. You can also run the view3dscene executable from the CGE bin subdirectory if you already have Castle Game Engine. You don't need to download it separately. You can open all 3D and 2D models supported by Castle Game Engine, including X3D VRML, Collada MD3, Wavefront OBJ and Spine JSON. There are many navigation modes. You can examine (rotate and move the entire model), walk (walk like FPS games with collision detection, gravity, and related features), and fly (similar to Walk, but without gravity), 2D. You can convert between X3D Classic and XML encodings in both directions, and from VRML 2 and X3D.
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Microsoft 3D Viewer
View 3D animations and models in real-time. 3D Viewer allows you to view 3D models and inspect model data. You can also visualize different shading modes. Mixed Reality mode allows you to combine the digital with the physical. You can push the boundaries of reality by creating a video or photo that you can share. You can quickly view the most common 3D file types, including FBX, STL and OBJ. You can use your touch, pen, keyboard, mouse or touch to control simple pan, zoom and orbiting functions. Examine the mesh, texture, material, animation data, and animation data of the 3D model. View 3D files in different shades, including smooth, wireframe on smooth, texture passed, and more. You can control the color and position of the staging lights. 3D Viewer version 7.2003.11022.0 or later includes important security updates.
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