Techdrill's DSP-One(c), the next generation suite of applications, is the foundation for the new Techdrill well construction platform, TSP. DSP-One(c) brings together the best-in-class applied sciences in an unmatched productivity framework. Multidisciplinary teams can use a shared data model to create standardized workflows. This allows them to work on projects from multiwell pad drilling to single-well completion, as well as design, planning and execution. DSP-One(c), a unique workspace that allows cross-domain teams to collaborate and offers optimization capabilities that increase operational performance and safety. DSP-One has been the first suite of applications that offers all-in-one functionality for well engineering calculations, both during well planning and drilling operations. The DSP-One(c), a new suite of applications for the TSP environment, elevates collaboration among all disciplines involved in the construction and operation of a well.
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Our WellAct software services will help you monitor and improve your drilling performance today. This is not just another report! We also assist customers in digital transformation, cloud migration, and implementing AI solutions. The WellAct software solutions are designed to increase drilling, tripping and casing efficiency using the best software technologies.
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Get Proteus and get better productivity, better consistency, better control, and better visibility. Proteus is the complete project management solution built by energy experts for people in the energy sector. Proteus brings project planning, resource management, project management, collaboration, project financials, and business intelligence into one integrated solution. Proteus moves energy companies away from a fixed cost model to an on-demand model, crucial to staying competitive in a low margin environment. Move faster, stay accurate, deliver more projects and keep work simplified.
Use Proteus to bring all project workflows together in one single view: clients, proposals, projects, invoicing, documents, inventory, and more- all in one place. Integrated with Microsoft 365.
Project teams can collaborate with remote access to timesheets, equipment details, project costs, work completion status, and other resources. Generate invoices and manage client information, and legal contracts from a unified platform. Proteus enables project managers to store documents centrally and streamline workflows, technical calculations, and other operations. Monitor metrics in real time and get full project control.
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No matter if you are drilling a vertical well or an extended-reach one, a low or high equivalent circulating density (ECD), can cause serious drilling problems and compromise your project's finances. An optimal ECD is essential for a successful drilling operation. It is essential to accurately model the drilling process and optimize the drilling hydraulics. It allows engineers to plan ahead, improving drilling efficiency, reducing risk, decreasing non-productive times (NPT), and so on. Pegasus Vertex's HYDPRO hydraulics model covers all aspects of hydraulics including surge and swab and bit optimization, hole cleaning and volumetric displacements. These features allow downhole drilling hydraulic conditions to be thoroughly examined, and any potential problems identified before field execution.
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