Diversiview Description
Diversiview is a cloud-based Portfolio Analysis and Optimizer Software that helps retail investors and professional investment professionals take their portfolios to a higher performance level.
Diversiview is a tool that allows investors to:
- calculate portfolio level indicators, including portfolio expected return, portfolio volatility, portfolio Alpha, portfolio Beta and portfolio Sharpe ratio;
View detailed, granular investment diversification;
- view the granular allocation, including ETF breakdown (where ETFs form part of the portfolio);
- and last but not least, four options to optimize asset allocation in order to achieve a specific goal, including: minimal risk portfolio, optimal portfolio, and efficient portfolio positions, from the Efficient Frontier.
Diversiview allows investors to backtest their investment strategies and compare them with major indexes, model portfolios, or other benchmarks.
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Diversiview Features and Options
Investment Management Software
Stock Portfolio Management Software
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