What Integrates with DecisionSpace 365?
Find out what DecisionSpace 365 integrations exist in 2025. Learn what software and services currently integrate with DecisionSpace 365, and sort them by reviews, cost, features, and more. Below is a list of products that DecisionSpace 365 currently integrates with:
eLynx Technologies
eLynx Technologies
Operators who have an existing SCADA system can use the eLynx Data Historian to provide their users mobile app access, meaningful visualizations, modern data analysis, and integration capabilities. Using the eLynx Data Snapshot client, you can extract, transform and load (ETL), existing system data. Send SCADA data via MQTT directly to the eLynx Azure IoT hub. Some SCADA systems support bidirectional communication. Users can send commands back via MQTT to the SCADA system in-house. You can customize what users see and do within the app. Role-based security is available for office personnel, field operators, and third-party users. Users can create their own views, trends and reports. You can share your configurations with others or keep them private. Users can set their home page, favorites and default views to make it easy to find the data they need.
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