Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet is the ultimate Web3 multichain wallet. It offers a comprehensive platform that combines wallet, Swap Market, DApp Browser and Launchpad. Bitget Wallet aggregates the top DEXs, NFT markets and 100+ public chains to provide users with best trading prices.
With over 60 million users and connections to over 100 blockchains, 20,000+ DApps, and 500,000+ tokens, Bitget Wallet enables seamless multi-chain trading across hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges
Our mission is to build a decentralized Web3 crypto wallet that offers a convenient and secure trading experience for all cryptocurrency users.
The NFT Market of Bitget Wallet, with its 220,000 NFT collections, and $40 million in trading volumes, is one of BNB Chain's and Polygon's largest marketplaces. It uses the unique DESM algorithm and offers a 400 million Secure Asset Fund (SAF) to ensure the security of user transactions and assets.
Bitget Web3 Wallet's user-friendly features empower users to engage in decentralized applications and digital asset exchanges, making it easier than ever to take advantage of the Web3 ecosystem.
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BitGo is the first digital asset company that has been focused exclusively on serving institutional clients since 2013. BitGo provides institutional investors with custody, staking, liquidity and security solutions. Active in both centralized and decentralized finance, BitGo offers market leading trading, lending, and borrowing services through its prime brokerage services and acts as the custodian for WBTC, the leading global stablecoin for Bitcoin.
In 2020, BitGo launched BitGo Prime, Portfolio and Tax, providing clients with a full-stack solution for digital assets. In 2018, it launched BitGo Trust Company, the first qualified custodian purpose-built for storing digital assets. Most recently, BitGo launched institutional-grade DeFi, NFT and web3 services. BitGo processes approximately 20% of all global Bitcoin transactions, and supports over 700 coins and tokens. BitGo’s customer base includes the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges and institutional investors and spans more than 50 countries.
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1inch Wallet
The 1inch Wallet is a crypto app that meets the needs of both beginners and experienced traders. This fast and secure non-custodial crypto wallet boasts a built-in DEX aggregator, allowing users to conveniently store, send, receive and trade crypto on popular networks like Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Optimistic Ethereum (OΞ), Arbitrum, Gnosis Chain, Avalanche, Fantom, Klaytn, Aurora, and ZkSync. With support for hundreds of tokens across these networks, the 1inch Wallet ensures a diverse range of options for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
Experience easy entry into the world of DeFi with 1inch, as it provides access to deep liquidity across multiple blockchains and offers better rates for crypto swaps than individual exchanges. By automatically optimizing trades across hundreds of DEXes, the 1inch Wallet saves you valuable time and eliminates the hassle of manually searching for the best swap prices.
Emphasizing efficiency and user-friendliness, the 1inch Wallet is designed to be the most convenient and secure crypto wallet app available. Enjoy a seamless user experience while taking full advantage of the features and benefits provided by this top-notch wallet.
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OKX Wallet
OKX Wallet is the world's most powerful crypto wallet.
Simple: The easiest way to explore Web3. Manage your digital assets across OKX Exchange and Web3 Wallet seamlessly under one unified experience
Powerful: Built-in access to multi-chain DEX, NFT Marketplace, Earn, and thousands of dApps
Secure: Complete control of your crypto, keys, and data – exclusive access to your funds; choose what to share and what to keep private
OKX Wallet – your portal to Web3.
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