What Integrates with CoGrader?
Find out what CoGrader integrations exist in 2025. Learn what software and services currently integrate with CoGrader, and sort them by reviews, cost, features, and more. Below is a list of products that CoGrader currently integrates with:
Google Classroom
$0 28 RatingsClassroom helps you manage teaching and learning. Google Classroom is a tool that helps teachers and students organize their assignments, foster collaboration, and foster greater communication. Google collaborated with educators across the country in creating Classroom, a simple-to-use tool that allows teachers to manage their coursework. Classroom allows educators to create classes, distribute assignments and grade assignments. They can also send feedback and view everything in one place. Classroom is easy to set up and integrates with G Suite Education. This allows teachers to concentrate on what they do best: teaching. Sign up for G Suite Education to get Classroom free of charge. Classroom, like all Google for Education tools meets high security standards. Teachers and students can log in to Classroom from any computer or mobile device. They can access course materials, assignments, and feedback.
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