LetsExchange is a go-to crypto-exchange hub that supports over 5,000 coins and tokens across 300+ blockchains, offering the largest selection in the market. The platform is non-custodial, meaning users don’t need to store funds on the platform.
Users can swap, bridge, buy, and sell crypto seamlessly and securely. The platform offers favorable exchange rates, low and transparent fees, top-tier privacy and security, 24/7 customer support, and is available in 14 languages, providing a convenient solution for users worldwide to exchange crypto effortlessly.
Founded in 2020 by a team of crypto and fintech professionals with over 10 years of experience, LetsExchange was designed for simplicity and ease of use. With fully automated swaps and a user-friendly interface, the platform allows users to swap crypto quickly and securely. It offers several key functionalities such as cross-chain swaps, bridge, on- & off-ramp services, and an integrated DEX.
LetsExchange doesn’t charge extra fees on top of network and processing fees, and transactions are processed quickly, depending on the blockchain’s speed.
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Guarda Wallet
Guarda Wallet is a safe non-custodial crypto wallet, where you can store, receive, send, buy, sell and stake crypto assets (including NFTs ERC 721 & ERC 1155). Guarda now supports more than 50 major blockchains and 400K+ tokens (such as BTC, ETH, ETHW, BCH, BNB, AVAX, MATIC, SOL, USDT, SHIB, ADA, XMR, XRP, DOGE and other assets).
Since Guarda is a non-custodial wallet, the user’s private information is not stored by the company or other third parties. All personal information, backup files and private keys are stored only by the users.
Guarda is available for various devices. You can download Guarda Wallet on your PC, use an online wallet or a Chrome Extension version. Also, you can install the Guarda Wallet app on your phone (for Android & iOS). The transaction fees are customizable, however, you will need to pay a 3.5% fee when using the built-in exchange service.
Guarda Wallet ecosystem includes a non-custodial wallet, buy&sell options, staking, the Exchange platform, our own GRD token, token generator, Guarda Academy, crypto loans, prepaid Visa card, and the possibility to sell crypto for fiat.
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Exchangio is an exchange that does not hold any assets. It has more than 700 assets. Fixed and floating rates, cross-chain exchanges, low fees, without registration.
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Full automation ensures maximum exchange speed. Lowest commissions and best exchange rates. Choose the right strategy to make profitable trades. We promise to provide flexible solutions that are tailored to your needs and wants. We offer fast processing, robust design, friendly and dedicated customer support. Choose whether fixed or floating exchange rates best suit your strategy and then let our bots pick the best deal for yourself. No sign-ups, no hassle. FixedFloat was founded by a group of blockchain experts who have extensive experience in finance, web technology, and entrepreneurship. We share the vision of creating a digital asset exchange platform that is best in class and meets all the needs for the crypto community.
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