Complex Interests
The family manages one or several operating businesses. It typically holds commercial real estate in its portfolio to help its business operations. It also holds passive investments in related businesses, maintains interentity loans and/or guarantees, and collects personal assets of worth (e.g. art, automobiles). The second generation is now managing the family's legacy assets. The wealth creator's children leveraged the family assets to start businesses and invest in investments that interest them. To benefit the third generation, and beyond, a solid estate plan is essential. The family foundation management requires more attention than in generation 1. The generation that created family wealth was able to do so through significant liquidity events. It is now held in many trusts for the benefit of children and grandchildren. The family has a diverse portfolio of investments that favors direct and alternate investments.
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We help over 60 real estate firms increase deal commitments and automate back-office operations, allowing them to focus on what really matters - finding new deals and raising more capital.
Our investment management platform includes a robust CRM and a market-leading investor portal, which creates transparency with your investors, helps raise capital for new offerings, and makes reporting easy and on time, all from the same place.
Today, we empower real estate investment firms growth with over $25B in assets managed within our designated platform, in a collaboration between Proptech and Fintech elements
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AdvisorWare®, a platform that integrates portfolio management, accounting, and partnership accounting, is specifically designed for hedge funds, private equity funds, and funds of funds. It can be used to support alternative investment funds with complex global investment, trading, and management issues, as well as complex financial and tax reporting requirements. You can maximize operational efficiency by using an intuitive system that allows for you to manage all kinds of instruments and corporate actions with complete integrity. Reduce operational risk by using proactive and automated exception handling, workflow management, and reconciliation tools. Completely automate tax allocation and tax reporting for partners.
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Our API provides elegant user experiences. Leading investment advisors rely on AdvisoryWorld web-applications for their wealth management workflows. You can search for and analyze investments using dozens of criteria, such as asset class, manager tenure, performance statistics, and style detail. Compare and contrast investments based on diversification and performance-based statistics such as Asset Allocation, Hypothetical History Performance, MPT Statistics (e.g. Standard Deviation, Sharpe and Beta, Alpha), Duration, Expense Ratio and Hypothetical Historical Performance, MPT Statistics (e.g. Easy to create customizable Asset Fact Sheets and compare them side-by-side. With the help of financial modeling tools that are institutional-grade, you can build and analyze portfolios. The interface is lightweight. Examine the impact of fees & sales charges, dividend reinvestment, and capital gain reinvestment on portfolio growth.
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