INE's IT training and certification prep will give you and your team the tools to meet today's challenges as well as prepare for tomorrow. Our training materials are created entirely in-house by INE instructors, who are some of the most respected and tenured industry experts. They cover in-demand topics such as Networking, Cyber Security and Cloud Computing, as well as Data Science. Our unique training materials are housed on our own training platform that supports a practical approach to learning. Your expertise is developed through a combination of instructor-led videos and learning paths, quizzes, exercises, and interactive videos. We have helped thousands of professionals reach their goals and build successful IT careers.
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LMSPro is a Web-based Learning Management System (LMS), that can meet all your organizational training requirements in a cost-effective way. This LMS professional provides an end to end solution for managing, delivering and tracking all types training, including e-learning, seminars and webinars (ILT), blended solutions, assessments, and self-study programs. LMSPro allows you to create engaging and customizable portals that are both accessible to your employees, students, and partners. It also provides externally-facing learning environments for customers, distributors and resellers. An administrator can register users individually, or in a group. Each registration can be customized to the organization and portal to which it is being accessed.
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Bebox Mobile
Tackle training challenges in real-world scenarios by leveraging the strategies outlined below. For any organization or corporate entity in need of training solutions, whether for employees or partners, Bebox is here to facilitate a streamlined, straightforward, and cost-efficient training process. With Bebox Mobile Learning, you can rest assured that your training efforts are secure. This platform is equipped with a variety of protective measures and administrative features, including advanced data encryption, comprehensive access controls, and robust authentication methods, ensuring that your training portal remains secure at all times. We support a diverse range of training formats such as instructor-led classrooms, blended learning, eLearning, virtual instructor-led training, live broadcasts, and distance learning, empowering you to implement training in a manner that suits your needs. You can now conduct your training in a cost-effective way while standardizing law-enforced training requirements. Bebox Mobile Learning equips you with all the essential tools necessary to facilitate effective compliance training for your organization through our innovative E-Learning Platform, enabling a seamless learning experience. Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your training initiatives with our comprehensive resources.
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Electa Live
Electa Live, a Learning Management System that includes an integrated Virtual Classroom Software, is a platform for online teaching and training via the Internet. Electa Live allows you to create and manage online tutorials, classes, lectures, group online classes, online meetings, live online classes, tutoring sessions, and individual one-on-one classes.
Electa LMS allows schools and trainers to offer training programs or courses to students. LMS elements include the ability to administer, track, evaluate, and report. Instructors can administer tests or other assignments, track student progress and manage record-keeping. Schools can offer all types of learning with Electa LMS: online, blended, synchronous, and asynchronous.
The Learning Management System includes Electa Live virtual classroom software. It is a state of the art live online training room.
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