Bitget Wallet is the ultimate Web3 multichain wallet. It offers a comprehensive platform that combines wallet, Swap Market, DApp Browser and Launchpad. Bitget Wallet aggregates the top DEXs, NFT markets and 100+ public chains to provide users with best trading prices.
With over 60 million users and connections to over 100 blockchains, 20,000+ DApps, and 500,000+ tokens, Bitget Wallet enables seamless multi-chain trading across hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges
Our mission is to build a decentralized Web3 crypto wallet that offers a convenient and secure trading experience for all cryptocurrency users.
The NFT Market of Bitget Wallet, with its 220,000 NFT collections, and $40 million in trading volumes, is one of BNB Chain's and Polygon's largest marketplaces. It uses the unique DESM algorithm and offers a 400 million Secure Asset Fund (SAF) to ensure the security of user transactions and assets.
Bitget Web3 Wallet's user-friendly features empower users to engage in decentralized applications and digital asset exchanges, making it easier than ever to take advantage of the Web3 ecosystem.