Intuitive technology is essential for busy organizations to increase efficiency. Automation makes it possible to track and communicate in a way that is auditable and defendable. This frees up staff time for other projects. It ensures that deadlines are met and nothing is missed. This allows for quick, easy and seamless tracking and accountability. FRCP 37(e), which requires organizations to take reasonable steps in order to preserve ESI during litigation or as a result thereof, obligates them to do so. Fermata Legal Hold interface is intuitive, user-friendly, and allows for easy tracking, searching and cross-referencing. Avoid costly customization and integration fees. Reduce your risk. Stop using spreadsheets. Use a defensible holding solution today. Unlimited matters, notices and questionnaires. As needed, add new matters. What organizational value would it be to free up some of that staff time? You can manage your legal hold in cloud.