Tools that empower patients with knowledge and allow them to self-serve during hospital visits, improving care experience and clinical outcomes. Data from multiple systems can be unified to streamline workflows, automate tasks, and augment care. It is a secure, scalable, flexible platform that makes it easy to deploy, manage, and operate consumer and enterprise apps at the bedside. It's easy to connect patients and their loved ones from anywhere in the world, whether they are located around the corner or across the country. On-demand entertainment and streaming services are key to making people feel at home. Cloudbreak Martti™, Caregility™, and Netflix™, are two examples of enterprise apps that can be used to streamline care workflows. Consumer apps such as Netflix and Disney+ can also be offered to entertain and distract patients. CXP Cloud Enterprise™ was developed in partnership with top healthcare systems to meet enterprise requirements across all types of facilities, including new construction and existing hospitals with legacy wiring.