What makes eXtremeDB platform independent?
- Hybrid storage of data. Unlike other IMDS databases, eXtremeDB databases are all-in-memory or all-persistent. They can also have a mix between persistent tables and in-memory table.
eXtremeDB's Active Replication Fabric™, which is unique to eXtremeDB, offers bidirectional replication and multi-tier replication (e.g. edge-to-gateway-to-gateway-to-cloud), compression to maximize limited bandwidth networks and more.
- Row and columnar flexibility for time series data. eXtremeDB supports database designs which combine column-based and row-based layouts in order to maximize the CPU cache speed.
- Client/Server and embedded. eXtremeDB provides data management that is fast and flexible wherever you need it. It can be deployed as an embedded system and/or as a clients/server database system.
eXtremeDB was designed for use in resource-constrained, mission-critical embedded systems. Found in over 30,000,000 deployments, from routers to satellites and trains to stock market world-wide.