A powerful web application framework built on Spring Boot that uses Groovy. Convention-over-configuration, sensible defaults, opinionated APIs, and the Groovy language combine to make the Grails® framework easy to learn for Java developers. The Grails framework is built upon Spring Boot and takes advantage of Spring Boot's time-savings features like Spring-powered dependency injection. The Grails framework seamlessly integrates and interoperates transparently with Java, the JVM and existing Java EE container. Apache Groovy, a language for Java platform, is designed to improve developers' productivity. It can be typed in dynamic and optionally, but it also has static-typing capabilities and static compilation. The Grails framework integrates seamlessly with GORM, a data accessibility toolkit that provides a rich array of APIs to access relational and non-relational information. GORM also supports implementations of Hibernate (SQL), MongoDB and Cassandra as well as Neo4j.