AMM DEX running on Ethereum L2 supported by Conflux Network. Conflux contract pays for the service. It is always free. The average confirmation time for the chain is around 20s. Conflux Network and Cross-Chain Asset Protocol shuttleFlow support the chain. AMM is a significant innovation in the crypto space. It has revolutionized the way people trade cryptocurrencies. Hayden Adams created Uniswap using his incredible creativity. Liquidity pools allow users to switch between tokens in a completely decentralized and non-custodial manner. Liquidity providers make passive income from transaction fees proportionately to their share of the pool." SushiSwap has made improvements to Uniswap. At the same time, SushiSwap’s user base growth is impressive from scratch. MoonSwap added Layer 2 to AMM so that Ethereum assets holders can enjoy the "high-speed, zero GAS fee" experience and also achieve higher asset utilization.