Honeyswap consists of liquidity pool contracts that are deployed to multiple EVM-compatible chains. These contracts share common frontend interfaces which are maintained by 1Hive. Honeyswap currently supports xDai, Polygon, and plans to expand its support to other EVM chains in the future. Honeyswap uses multi-token models to balance the Local and Global incentives. Honey from 1Hive's shared pool is used to fund development, support, maintenance, and support work that has global benefits. Farming Rewards, which have benefits that are specific to one supported chain, use a Comb token that can be valued as a derivative the volume on that particular chain. Swap fees for Honeyswap can be split 1/12 to Honey, 1/12 towards the local Comb token, and 5/6 directly to a pool of liquidity providers that facilitate the swap. The Honeyswap frontend is an open-source interface that allows trading and pooling liquidity.