Clonetab has many options to meet the needs of each site. Although Clonetab's core features will suffice for most site requirements, Clonetab also offers infrastructure to allow you to add custom steps to make it more flexible to meet your specific needs. Clonetab base module for Oracle Databases, eBusiness Suite, and PeopleSoft is available. Normal shell scripts used to perform refreshes can leave sensitive passwords in flat file. They may not have an audit trail to track who does refreshes and for which purpose. This makes it difficult to support these scripts, especially if the person who created them leaves the organization. Clonetab can be used to automate refreshes. Clonetab's features, such as pre, post and random scripts, target instances retention options like dblinks, concurrent processes, and appltop binary copying, allow users to automate most of their refresh steps. These steps can be done once. The tasks can then be scheduled.