Stomp Loyalty is the leading digital punch card software. Our software allows small to large scale stores to create a custom store, a custom loyalty cards, and a "buy X times to get Y" loyalty program with just a few keystrokes.
Loyalty programs have been proven to increase customer loyalty, customer spending, and most importantly, customer satisfaction. Despite that, research shows that 70% of the customers lose physical cards within a few weeks. This decreases motivation and leads to loss of business. Stomp aims to eliminate this problem via digital (much harder to lose) loyalty cards.
Our loyalty program is the only no proprietary app required software of its type. Customers are already tired of downloading apps so we designed a browser based loyalty system. But, if someone prefers the traditional method, our unique development allows them to install the wallet as an app on their device.
The unique shared digital wallet provides marketing opportunities for your business. Stomp Loyalty takes data protection very seriously. We follow strict protocols to prevent unauthorized entry to your data or permissions.
No coding experience is required.