BTCMiner, a Bitcoin Miner software, allows you to make money using your ZTEX USBFPGA Module. These FPGA Boards have an USB interface so no additional hardware (like JTAG programr) is needed. Low-cost FPGA-clusters are also possible to be built using standard USB hubs. Dynamic frequency scaling/overclocking based upon error measurement BTCMiner automatically selects the frequency with the highest number of valid hashes. One software instance can control multiple FPGA Boards (upto several hundred, depending on the number of USB host controllers). During runtime, new FPGA Boards may be added or removed. Possibility to enumerate FPGA Boards and partition clusters using those numbers. After 5 minutes of inactivity per command, power save mode is activated. Temperature monitoring and overheat shutoff (USB FPGA Module 1.15y rev. 2. If the error rate is high enough, overheat protection will be provided by shutting down.