Earn daily staking rewards by staking any amount of ETH. To increase your yield, put your staked Ethereum to work across DeFi. To earn daily bLUNA stake rewards, you can stake LUNA. You can keep full control over your staked tokens, and you can use them across Terra DeFi apps. Get stSOL when you stake your Solana. You can use your stSOL for additional yields, and your staked SOL can be used to help you navigate the Solana ecosystem. Lido allows users to stake their assets for daily staking reward. You can stake any amount of tokens. There is no minimum. You can stake Lido tokens that are equal to your initial stake. To increase your yield, your staked tokens may be used throughout the DeFi ecosystem. Lido allows you to use your staked assets for additional yield. Your tokens, which earn daily staking rewards, can be used as collateral for lending, yield farming, and other purposes. Lido DAO is a community which builds liquid staking services, and oversees the direction of Lido.