Aatrix has the best W2 & 1099 solution. Aatrix W2 and 1099 Solutions are used by over 350,000 businesses. You can print and eFile W2 and/or 1099 forms for employees, recipients, federal, state and local agencies. The Aatrix 1099 & W2 Complete Solution will print, mail and file your W2 and/or 1099 the next business day. You can also file your Federal and State 1099's for a low price. Employees can access their W2 and/or 1099 online. The Aatrix W2 and 1099 Solution includes corrections, W2C’s, reprints, and many other features. The extensive error-checking eliminates 99.9% potential errors, reducing the chance of you being fined, penalized, or having to file additional paperwork. It's not surprising that 97% of users recommend the Aatrix W2 Solution. This new service not only offers all the benefits of Aatrix W2 and 1099 Solution, but it can also be used with any payroll or accounts payable software by simply importing CSV or tab delimited spreadsheet.