This is the easiest way to deploy and test your projects on-prem or in the cloud. You can easily sync your Travis CI projects and you'll be able to test your code in just minutes. Check out our features - you can now sign up for Travis CI with your Bitbucket or GitLab account. This will allow you to connect to your repositories. It's always free to test your open-source projects! Log in to your cloud repository and tell Travis CI that you want to test a project. Then push. It couldn't be simpler. Many services and databases are already pre-installed and can easily be enabled in your build configuration. Before merging Pull Requests to your project, make sure they are tested. It's easy to update production or staging as soon as your tests pass. Travis CI builds are set up mainly through the configuration file.travis.yml found in your repository. This allows you to make your configuration version-controlled and flexible.