Cacher enables you and your team members to write more code faster. Code snippets allow you to retrieve and share technical details about any implementation. Cacher's flexible color labeling system allows you to organize your code however you want. Label snippets according to project, department or priority. Install our plugins on popular editors and IDEs so you can create and insert snippets in your coding environment. Cacher's team tools allow you to create a shared knowledgebase for your company. Team snippets and labels are automatically synced to every member's library regardless of platform or code editor. Each snippet is listed on Snippets - our code sharing community for Cacher users. Send snippet URLs via email, Slack or Twitter, or embed them in your blog. Code snippets can be used to document code patterns, machine setup instructions and algorithms. Teachers can use team snippets as a way to share their knowledge with students. They are great additions to lesson plans.