Our Pay-As You-Go test system helps you hire the right team members every time. You can now remotely test job applicants from your home or office. Instant score reports are emailed to your email address. This is just like what we do with over 60,000+ tests each and every year.
Our friendly team will help to select the right tests for your job position. Topics include Microsoft Office behavioral profiles (cust. service, Mgmt and Sales and basic aptitude tests (attention-to-detail tests, grammar/spelling, and many more). Our tests can be customized so that you can cover only the topics you need without an expensive annual contract.
We will guide you through the entire process, including test administration and interpretation. If you have any questions, we can provide unlimited and free phone support. Making mistakes in hiring can result in a loss of more than 25% of an employee's annual salary.
Before you hire candidates, learn what they can do and make better hiring decisions today.