Test in any browser. In just a few clicks, you can record and convert web actions into automated scripts. You can import existing Selenium IDE test results and switch sides without regrets. No matter what browser version you use, your browser will work well. Ideal for individuals, small businesses, and start-ups. Compatible with the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, and MS Edge. Step-by-step instructions with tons of walkthroughs and webinars. You can define variables once and use them all. Then, you can update them as needed with global variables. No need to rewrite or hard-code values in any test. Dynamic test suites allow you to categorize and only run the relevant test cases. Time to stop manual workarounds and unnecessary tests. When websites change or default locators stop working, self-healing automatically searches for and uses valid locators. You can run your tests overnight and have your results ready for you by the next day.