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Journal Journal: Terrible

I finally reached Terrible karma. A rather nice stepping stone into the worlds of Trolling. It's time to write some more exiting Captain Goatse stories. I know you all want to know what I found out about the legend of loopback(Warning: Might be offensive to some non-pirates).

The major drawback is that I can only post 2 times every 24 hours. Not a good thing at all, in my opinion, GoatboyNeal probably has another opinion. How am I going to be able to express my opinions through free speech this way? I can't say anything at all! I hate America because it produced kids like CowsecxNeal.

Is there any way I can keep my Terrible karma while being able to post as much as anyone else? Please help me, fellow trolls.


Journal Journal: Banned already

Captain Goatse writes: "I was banned after just 15 minutes of membership, doesn't this suck? Yes, I know that the ban is only temporary. But, how are you supposed to get your karma down enough if your right to free speech is taken from you?

On my ship we have 100% free speech and 100% gay sex. I wish the rest of the world would learn. I've been thinking about releasing some of our brats to let them spread our message. Is is a good idea or not?

Evil message included for interested people:

Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, comment posting has temporarily been disabled. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner. If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID, which are "*" and "*" and (optionally, but preferably) your IP number "*" and your username "*"."

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