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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 23 declined, 6 accepted (29 total, 20.69% accepted)


Submission + - Global Warming Criticism Ignored by Media

krygny writes: reports: "A new analysis of peer-reviewed literature reveals that more than 500 scientists have published evidence refuting at least one element of current man-made global warming scares. (...) Despite being published in such journals such as Science, Nature and Geophysical Review Letters, these scientists have gotten little media attention.

Submission + - First Image of "Noctilucent" Clouds from S

krygny writes: NASA has released the first image of night-shining, or noctilucent, clouds that appear in the atmosphere near the poles during the summer months in each hemisphere. "The first observations of these "night-shining" clouds by a satellite named "AIM" which means Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere, occurred above 70 degrees north latitude on May 25. People on the ground began seeing the clouds on June 6 over Northern Europe. AIM is the first satellite mission dedicated to the study of these unusual clouds." ... "Very little is known about how these clouds form over the poles, why they are being seen more frequently and at lower latitudes than ever before, or why they have been growing brighter."

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