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Comment Re:That's just silly (Score 1) 137

Further proof you're an idiot as well as a troll:

You remind me of a character in a book - Professor Edward Rolles Weston, as you are not completely unintelligent but are completely infantile.


And considering the first result is the desired one from google, this proves that not only are you an idiot but you're a weapons-grade idiot.

Link 2

Comment Re:Hey, man: (Score 1) 3

Yup. After all, We Must Do SOMETHING!! because single mothers and their children, oh, and minorities are hardest hit by manbearpig er, I mean, Global Warm-- Climate Change. And if you disagree with me, then you're racist. And worse than Hitler.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Mark Callahan for US Senate 3

Pretty good. I'd have handled this a little differently. Reminds me a little of Reagan's "I paid for this microphone" moment.

And for my buddy smitty -- it's just another example if liberals and their perpetual pre-pubescence.

"Global Warming, Fact or Myth"
"Myth" -- Correct answer, by the way

Comment Re:That's just silly (Score 1) 137

The writings in my journal show that nobody could possibly be dumb enough to seriously believe in the obviously contradictory things you have posted here.

This is a lie, and you know this full well.

The rest of your rant is another shining example of the infantilism we've all come to expect from slashdot's version of Professor Edward Weston.

Comment Re:That's just silly (Score 1) 137

Writings in your journal do not constitute evidence.

Please provide proof that I did not vote for Ted Cruz.

Please provide proof that I did not vote for the following candidates in the last 5 Presidential Elections:
2012: Romney/Ryan
2008: McCain/Palin
2004: Bush/Cheney
2000: Bush/Cheney
1996: Dole/Kemp

Due to being under 18 at the time, I was uneligible to vote in the 1992 Presidential Election, however I would have (erroneously, hindsight being what it is) voted for Ross Perot.

You remind me of a character in a book - Professor Edward Rolles Weston, as you are not completely unintelligent but are completely infantile.

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This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
