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Comment Re:Nothing to see here, move on (Score 2, Interesting) 402

Possibly, however trying to wring every last cent out of their fans based on a simple supply/demand model might not work out too well in the long run. There are a lot more choices out there, so if the fans get the feeling they're just a bunch of dollar signs, and that the band is in it just for the money, demand might dry up. Keeping the price lower could keep demand higher by helping to sustain their popularity and keep the fans around longer.

Comment Re:Ahh, back in the day (Score 1) 503

The good old days, before every other comment turned into "duplicate post!!!!! do the editors even care anymore?????" and crap like that.

I remember waiting anxiously for the next story to pop up while writing a really bad C program to track IP addresses in a small dark cubicle in a vast dark basement of an aging government building...
User Journal

Journal Journal: Day one

Hmm... Just read about the new google base thing, and thought I'd create an entry for my slashdot account. So...I go looking for my slashdot account link and find the journal system. Damn, I've been ignoring everything but the main page of this site for some time obviously.

So anyway, where is that link now?

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