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Comment Re:KVM? (Score 0) 79

The clarification was almost certainly intended to disambiguate KVM switches from Linux KVM virtualization.

Apparently, you're not old enough to have ever seen a KVM switch, and your awareness of current technologies isn't keen enough to know about KVM virtualization. Neither of these conditions is a bad thing, but the snide tone of your comment was unwarranted in light of the facts.

Comment Re:What the fuck is going on? (Score 1) 292

That person may be someone who was born in the United States, but is presently living elsewhere. I have no evidence to back up such a hypothesis, but I am noting the possibility.

I have several friends who have left U.S. soil over the last five years without any intention of returning. I am still here, and I still dearly love what my nation is supposed to stand for. Unfortunately, reality is moving farther and farther from that ideal, all in the name of supposedly protecting the very freedoms that are being destroyed from within.

Comment Re:stop trying, use git instead (Score 3, Informative) 238

Perhaps you haven't spent enough time with git. I've used it for years to manage data stores with content ranging from rST documentation bound for rendering to a very widely read open source "howto" site (with constant edits and merges from a small team of technical writers) to large scale development projects. In fact, I use it for all my file and source control to this day, and my employer's dev group uses it as well to manage a rather extensive codebase responsible for driving an enterprise cloud hosting provider's operations.

If you've had problems with git, you should be aware that there's a huge community out there ready and willing to assist you with whatever workflow you've decided to adopt. One of the nicer things about git is the fact that you can use it in a very SVN-like manner if you like, or you can make as many branches as you want and manage things in a very distributed manner. Again, I suspect your primary problem is lack of experience.

Comment Re:coincidentally (Score 2) 176

I'll wager the people signing up for this endeavor assign no particular political value whatsoever to the mission. In stark contrast, politicians make careers of twisting the heartfelt dreams and acts of others to convince the masses that said acts represent this or that "cause" that bears little or no resemblance to the original act.

You dare to claim insight into the minds of 200k people and distill their motives into a neat little cup to suit your own whims. You must be a politician.

Mod parent troll. Should the /. admins elect to introduce a "-1 professional politician" option while this story is still open for moderation, please use the more fitting option instead.

Comment Re:second hand e-smoke (Score 2) 314

Congratulations on getting off the addiction wagon. I'd certainly say "less is more" when it comes to things people put in their bodies. That said, after 20 years of smoking and switching to e-cigs myself, the most important advice I have to those interested in pursuing vaping is to use quality equipment and e-liquid. The cheap, disposable e-cigs found in many gas stations and their cheap rechargeable counterparts available online will disappoint most people. The quality control in the cheap products is nonexistent, leading to poor results in many cases.

After wasting a bunch of money on cheap crap, I listened to a few of my coworkers and bought one their mods, a ProVari v1. No, I am not being compensated by Provape; I have no association with the manufacturer, not even as a direct customer, having bought this mod from my friend. After adding a Kanger T3S tank and filling up with various tasty flavors from my local vape shop, I'm extremely happy. The difference between this and the cheap crap is absolutely night and day.

Comment Re:second hand e-smoke (Score 1) 314

Indeed, if anybody is inhaling ethylene glycol (aka antifreeze), they won't be doing it for long. After 20 years of smoking cigarettes, pipes, and cigars, I'm very happy with my ProVari v1. I'm inhaling a few thousand less chemicals, and even went so far as to discuss it with my doctor, who noted that there is absolutely no evidence of any significant risk to my health from vaping. The biggest "risk" is simply the continued intake of nicotine, which carries approximately the same risk as caffeine consumption. People with high blood pressure should stay away from both.

Comment Re:OUCH (Score 1) 479

If one chooses to subscribe to the view that God is whatever exists outside of our necessarily limited perception of space and time, and believes that hell is the permanent separation from the light of a higher existence that might deliver one's essence from those bounds, and that heaven is the condition in which the shackles of constructs we presently live in, in terms of space and time, are lifted to transcend to a less restrictive plane of existence, then necessarily one must believe that heaven would not be equal to hell in terms of restraint.

Comment Re:So it has come to this (Score 1) 531

With this reply, you just agreed with everything I wrote in my last reply, aside from side-stepping the point that you erred when you previously claimed that a "well-regulated militia" is a "standing army." It is not a standing army, and the term "well regulated" still means "well disciplined or trained" in this context. Please go back and read (once again) everything I've written, along with the information found at the link I previously provided, in its entirety (I refuse to believe you've done that yet) and then get it through your head that a militia, well regulated or not, is not a standing army.

I want to take a moment here to say "thank you" for standing up for the right of individuals to own firearms. There are entirely too many people drinking the revisionist attitude Kool-Aid that believe our elected representatives somehow have the power to curtail our rights to firearms ownership. All the same, it is of absolutely critical importance that you refine your understanding of the key terminology that defines these rights, because there exists an unfortunately large number of people who will seize upon any such misunderstanding as an opportunity to paint you as too ignorant to be taken seriously in any debate on the rights we hold dear.

In short, this isn't about you and me. This is about much larger things. Thanks again for caring about our rights.

Comment Re:So it has come to this (Score 1) 531

You're simply wrong on this, and thus you're making things more difficult for rights advocates who engage in honest debate on the topic. While the general militia was regarded to consist of every man, the ready militia did not predominantly consist of men whose primary occupation was soldiering; these were men who gathered on an intermittent basis for drill and readiness purposes, but held other full time occupations. There was, and is, no requirement or intended meaning of a standing army in the amendment verbiage, nor the writings of Madison as they pertain to this topic.

Again, in the context of the language of the period, the term "well regulated" meant "disciplined or well trained." Both discipline and training in combat maneuvers were, and still are routinely accomplished by groups of people who do not make the military their career. The term implies substantially different meaning in modern usage, as its most commonplace meaning in modern language alludes to laws and other statutory requirements. If you doubt this, please consult a linguist for further guidance. Additionally, please carefully review the information I provided once again.

Comment Re:So it has come to this (Score 3, Insightful) 531

I'm a firm believer in individual gun rights, and therefore I am most assuredly not speaking against our shared core beliefs on this topic, but I believe that historical accuracy is critical when discussing these matters. The term "well regulated" does not imply a standing army. Instead, in the context of the language of the period, it means "disciplined" or "well trained."

Comment Re:This shouldn't be news (Score 4, Informative) 152

The prosecutors didn't suppress evidence - the judge ruled that experts couldn't testify. And that's his bloody job.

The judge is elected by and paid by taxpayers. The majority of those taxpayers will never be privy to the inner workings of the trial, whether by chance or by intent to remain ignorant of local trial proceedings. However, the judge's opponent in the next round of elections will take any opportunity (s)he can to paint the incumbent as incompetent or lenient on criminals, which might be enough to sway the election. Do the math before you rush to such quick judgement.

I also suggest you take a few minutes to review this information.

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