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Comment debating the past (Score 1) 888

I think arguing about whether or not someone should be given a second chance is not helpful.

My big question is: If you did this misdeed 15 years ago, what have you done in the past 15 years to distinguish yourself as a reputable and trustworthy individual. The issue isn't whether or not time heals old wounds, but how well you spend your time re-establishing your value to others.

Comment Is there statistical support? (Score 1) 836

Isn't this the age old argument between technicians and scientists? Before computers people argued why engineers with bachelors degrees were more qualified than technicians who learned the same technical material.

Compensation and position is often linked to hiring and pay standards within companies. Many companies base pay on level of education independent of the actual value the individual provides. I am guessing that these standards are developed based on industry statistics that demonstrate a relationship between education and performance. This is likely why certain schools are in higher demand than others.

Yes, there are exceptions and I imagine that many companies have other criteria for compensating individuals who demonstrate performance, but companies usually develop pay standards based on experience.

Comment Re:And who ... (Score 5, Insightful) 297

I disagree with your supposition. The government is not setting management policy. The government is trying to prevent carriers from making network management policy that could be used to affect public policy.

The "government" gives carriers a lot of leeway by protecting them from liability for the content they carry. Once you let them make traffic management decisions, then you open a can of worms that challenge this policy. It is precisely these policy issues that gives the FCC the right to venture into this kind of regulation.

I am perfectly happy to let Comcast have free reign over network content policy, provided I can sue the shit out of them when they interfere with my content. The same is true for AT&T and other carriers who are driving the opposition to network neutrality.

Comment Similar projects (Score 1) 177

I read an article recently in my alumni magazine about a collaboration between Intel and Carnegie Mellon to develop microscopic or miniature robots that use magnetic or static charges to attract and repel each other to propel a collection of them. The changes in charges and magnetic states also allows them to shift from a globular to a solid state. The article sounded similar to borg nanoprobes. From the article, it appears that they started doing this 5 years ago and have made significant progress.

I wonder if the iRobot technology is similar?

Comment Re:So be it (Score 1) 239

Anti trust is hard to prove and expensive to pursue. It is a last resort in handling a market that is poorly managed. Regulating is easy and efficient.

We spent 30 years fighting commercial pollution using the court system and we got nowhere. As soon as set up regulations that fined the hell out of violators, we began to see progress. Cabinets get to implement administrative law that is enforceable with fines, otherwise the only recourse is a long drawn out court case.

Comment Re:Protests (Score 1) 374

The statement was inteded as a commentary on the ignorance of the west as well as separately referencing a christian Jehovah, often referred to as God, as well as the judaic Adonai, in comparison with the Muslim Allah, singled out specifically.

Rather than say may Jehovah, Adonai and Allah all see eye to eye on this issue, I preferred my wording.

But thanks. :)

Comment Re:Google: Lowering standards for the rest of us (Score 4, Interesting) 244

Apart from their search engine and maybe Google Maps, is anything they make "excellent"?

I have to say, I'm really glad to hear someone share this opinion. I've been a long time "fanboy" of Google, seldom questioning any of their choices (while finding all manner of things to be critical of with Microsoft, Apple, and *nix/open-source). On reflexion after reading this, I've come to realize something: Google is what would result from my IQ being doubled and a thousand clones made from me. They find some problem-space, develop something with really cool potential, get bored when it comes to refining the product and making it viable, then find some shiny new problem to work on. It's like they're grad students getting paid by a commercial entity to do research.

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