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Comment Re:Fighting Piracy is Good for Open Source (Score 1) 286

Well it's sure heartening to know arrogance doesn't just apply to signed Artists that deal with the MAFIAA.

You have no idea where the road you are going down will lead, do you? You really think putting people in jail for copying files where there is no loss of physical product, only duplication, will lead to some sort of success for yourself and those like you? You want to benefit from the suppression/repression of others? Think bigger picture.

Comment Re:Forget about editing just old Word and PP (Score 1) 504

What, no mention of being tied to the App Store and a specific apple ID? No mention of only being able to use apple 'approved' apps on the ipad?

There are seriously deficient IT integration considerations from the get-go with an iPad, the only reason to even consider implementation in the first place is if Apple shows up at your door with a dumptruck full of free iPads.

Comment What a rather limited view of our options... (Score 1) 352

Why would we just use one bomb? If its necessary, start hitting it with everything we have in an orderly fashion, hell we can probably change trajectory enough to prevent catastrophe with multiple detonations at a particular area, think Project Orion with the asteroid as the space craft (and we don't care if the craft disintegrates in the process).


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