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Comment Re:Node.js (Score 1) 536

What is it that Javascript does that I cannot do with an alternative language just as or more effectively?

If you're asking in the context of a web browser, then Javascript is the only realistic option for a dynamic UI. If you're asking about Node.js on the server, then Javascript support on the server isn't something you can disable in the first place if you're running Node. If you're not running Node, then obviously you don't need Javascript on the server.

Comment Re:A win for freedom (Score 1) 1330

Who said the employee couldn't use heart medication? The employee is still free to obtain and use heart medication on their own or through a provision - it just isn't forced upon the company to purchase it which seems equally fair.

Who said the employee couldn't use a pacemaker? The employee is still free to obtain and use a pacemaker on their own or through a provision - it just isn't forced upon the company to purchase it which seems equally fair.

Who said the employee couldn't use insulin? The employee is still free to obtain and use insulin on their own or through a provision - it just isn't forced upon the company to purchase it which seems equally fair.

Who said the employee couldn't use chemotherapy drugs? The employee is still free to obtain and use chemotherapy drugs on their own or through a provision - it just isn't forced upon the company to purchase it which seems equally fair.

None of those statements really seem all that fair. I mean, if the purpose of health insurance is to provide the insured with medication or medical devices at a reduced cost, how is it fair to exclude certain approved devices because of arbitrary personal reasons? If I have a moral objection to the implantation of machines into a body, am I allowed to decide that my company isn't going to cover pacemakers when essentially all others do? Is that really a fair thing for me to do?

Comment Re:The only way to end "big money" politics (Score 1) 148

Potato patahto. Tomato Tomahto.

It's not a difference in pronunciation, it's 2 completely different terms. One of them is "May Day", written with a space, it's 2 words, and refers to a holiday. The other one is "Mayday", without a space, 1 word, an international distress call that has nothing to do with the holiday. You see socialism because you're looking for socialism. There is no connection. It also has nothing to do with lesbians, I'm not sure what the point of even posting that was. You are making a false association where none exists. The only significance is that the PAC was launched on May 1, but they still did not call it "May Day". It is "Mayday PAC" or "MAYDAY PAC" depending on where they print it. It is never "May Day PAC", so it is disingenuous for you to say the name is "May Day". It isn't. Again, this is not a difference in pronunciation, when you typed that name out you actually pressed a key to insert a space where there shouldn't be one, thus changing the name to something that it's not.

Comment Re:Government regulation of political speech (Score 1) 308

There is NOTHING more important in our society than the freedom to speak about political issues.

I agree with that. I can speak about political issues, you can speak about political issues, that's fantastic. Look, we're doing it right now with zero threat of retaliation from the government. I do not see that as even in the same ballpark as me or you paying a hundred million dollars to have our opinion shown on prime time TV for the purpose of swaying local elections in jurisdictions that we have nothing to do with. Let those people decide who they want to elect without our influence.

If you see no difference between Sheldon Adelson buying an ad in the NYTimes and buying the NYTimes itself and ordering it to run his positions, then there is no hope for you. All banning the first and permitting the second is raising the cost of the ad.

Great. The market cap of the NY Times company is 2.28 billion dollars. If Adelson wants to pay that in order to run an ad that would really only have marginal impact, and would obviously be seen as opinion, then let him do that. I'm willing to have him pay $2 billion to run his ad instead of a few million. $2 billion might make him actually think about whether he really wants to do that, and what he is going to do with the company after he runs the ad.

Comment Re:Here's The Real Question... (Score -1) 196

I'm somewhat surprised to see the parent comment modded down to -1.

"You must be new here."

Would you like some "Hot Grits" scraped off of Natalie Portman's ass with your helping of crow?

In Soviet Russia, YOU fuck Timothy up the ass.

I welcome our new robotic headphones...

And of course the solid standard Goatse...

- Thank you, I'mm be here until I die, please tip your waitress.

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