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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 0 accepted (3 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - TCP half-open saves the Internet, the Earth (

Top Romulan writes: "Today, in Intergalactic Headlines, as the planet Earth prepares for an oncoming fictional black hole which will slowly compact the entire planet Earth around it, shines a ray of hope on the last remaining moments of Internet connectivity and the human understanding of what is happening. As physical layer transmission mediums become subject to the fictional element dubbed black hole BH sub LHC1, the link layer will behave in an undefined manner and higher-level protocols may be affected. In particular, Transmission Control Protocol, the very basis by which many Slashdot readers share and absorb, may be affected in the following way. If one end of the connection disappears into the fictional entity BH sub LHC1, then your TCP connection state will be known as half-open. This corrects a common misconception, which can be understood thoroughly by viewing the latest wikipedia article on the subject, and its See Also section and history."

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
