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Comment Re:Where's linux? (Score 1) 648

Linux wins everywhere except where Windows started with a huge head start. Not being able to break into a monopolized market, the desktop operating system, is not what I consider a "loss" or a "failure." Linux is vastly superior for most productive use of desktop computer hardware. That it hasn't broken into the market, despite being free of charge, only means that enforcing anti-trust laws would be a good thing. Microsoft is, and has always been, abusive.

Comment Re:The will to be free (Score 1) 648

I think it's much simpler than that. Windows began with a huge installed base advantage, lock-in to a lot of proprietary "important" software like their own MS Office, Adobe shit, etc., and familiarity. They've just been riding that, and the perception of being SOOOOO much less expensive than Apple and SOOOOO much more convenient than Linux, for many years. Games are a deal-breaker for some, as you said, but not for many. Same for other particulars that alarm lusers. I think the one thing Gates & co. ever got right is the business of making their platform (seem) indispensable, mainly to technically illiterate decision-makers^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B deciders.

Comment Re:The will to be free (Score 1) 648

No, but they are barren of people claiming there is no way you could possibly be having that issue, because mine works just fine - then ridiculing you for even bringing it up.

So is the Ubuntu forum. Please notice, this is not forum.ubuntu.org or ubuntuforums.org or whatever. It's slashdot.org. Everybody ridicules everybody else here, remember? And I'm newer here than you are, sheesh!

Comment How is an empire in decline different from ... (Score 0) 272

a "mature market" that "is in maintenance mode?" Time? The extent of poor and neglected, overdue maintenance?

Of course, planes operating successfully still outnumber those which disintegrate in normal use. But it's not just planes. Consider that collapsing bridge in Minnesota recently. Consider also the Tacoma Narrows fiasco, now some decades ago, which in my opinion is not a mistake that competent engineers make, but one due to social promotion at the highest levels of our education system, which is also symptomatic of an empire in decline. Consider how much of our electrical grid depends on nuclear plants that are at, near or even past their originally estimated lifetimes but not being decommissioned in short because of lack of competence and political will to replace them with better alternatives, and consider how desperately we still depend on 19th century fuels, coal and petroleum, despite what we know about their effect on climate. I think gp AC makes a valid point, using one plane to illustrate a far more widespread, and very real systemic problem.

Comment Re:Failed Design (Score 1) 137

Understatement! At Symantec we didn't even let executives just download all the end-of-quarter high-value orders, and that information was vital to timely earnings estimates! We built them a reporting rdbms with "some canned queries" just like you said, which they could access via VPN or from their offices around the world. But the Finance Department did not offer the whole f'ing database to anybody to take from The Company's offices. That shit just isn't done with valuable data -- data that The Company values, that is. (any company, not picking on SYMC)

This alone proves systemic indifference to and contempt of the claimants, BP's victims. An ethical judge who does even minimal due diligence to learn about industry standard Finance IT practices would at least double the settlement against BP just for letting the entire claimant database be stored on anything mobile. The industry is NEVER as careless with property or financial value as BP is with human life and their victims' identities.

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